4 different BBs, 3 different barrels — accuracy with Daisy 499B airgun

Barrel 3, Daisy Precision Ground Shot, Daisy 499B 7 meters rested.
Not the finest BB in this barrel.
This thankfully concludes this series — I’ll post a spreadsheet and graphs soon.

Res ipsa loquitur: smaller numbers = tighter groups

I think I’ll go with Barrel 3 and the inexpensive Daisy Precision Max BBs (or Hornady Black BBs) for every day offhand 5 meter shooting.

It seems clear that Barrel 1 (the original barrel that came with the 498B) is the least accurate with any BB, so I’m happy I sprung for the 2 other Barrels (sold by Daisy for only $12 each plus shipping).

It seems also clear that Daisy Unplated Shot is an excellent BB in all the barrels (but the most expensive of the lot at about 1¢ per round). I’m not so impressed with Daisy Precision Ground Shot (often touted as the BB made specifically for the Daisy 499B smooth bore “rifle”).

The good news: all this shooting cost me well under $4 for the ammo. Gotta love shooting steel BBs!


50 shots each barrel/BB combo, analysis using TARAN — http://taran.ptosis.ch/taran.html
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