Your Liberty is shooting cheap Crosman Hollow points at 75 yards and you want to get rid of it just because it leaks?
If you want more than 40 shots at 35fpe. The Liberty is the gun! I have worked with enough Liberty rifles to know that you can get 60 shots at 35fpe with the Liberty. all it takes is changing to a peak poppet. That will take care of the leaking problem, uppping the FPE at 60 shots at the same time.
But it looks like you are determined and I may have to call ATI on the look out for your parts gun Liberty.
If you want more than 40 shots at 35fpe. The Liberty is the gun! I have worked with enough Liberty rifles to know that you can get 60 shots at 35fpe with the Liberty. all it takes is changing to a peak poppet. That will take care of the leaking problem, uppping the FPE at 60 shots at the same time.
But it looks like you are determined and I may have to call ATI on the look out for your parts gun Liberty.
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