FX 500mm Crown MKII barrel kit

I don't have a Crown but Impact MK2 only. I can just comment that back in time I was looking for a spare barrel tube and AGS (Travis) located one x600 for me which came off from a serviced Crown. I have that kit right now on my Impact, and I noticed right away the power is off according to my Reg gauge. The Crown brass transfer port opening is smaller compared to other Huma's I have in my box. Next time cleaning the liner I will remove the barrel and replace.
Next, I jumped from x700 barrel to x600 length, I wanted to try. The shorter barrel needs much higher Reg for same speed. Not sure for your x500 where you will have a ballpark.
I know not much of a help, but my story only.
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That’s what I have, I usually use a DFL Tanto but have experimented around enough without it also.
What are you looking to find out? Is there a specific ammo or power output you’re looking at?
I’ve got it at about 40fpe now playing around at some longer distances. At that power level it’s got a bit of a snap without a mod but not too bad to user, sound reflection off the hillside however tells a different story.
At 30fpe for 18.1s I consider it pretty much backyard safe without mod, pellet impact is louder to me.
With Huma tp and slug probe, reg at 150 and HS almost maxed I can get it to about 46fpe but it’s an ugly inefficient tune (I’m no tuning expert).
For me it seems to like 25.4s slower rather than faster.
18.1s are good to mid 900s
Love the compact size.
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Thanks for the informative reply. I'm currently shooting the 380mm .25cal barrel @ about 25fpe with the .25gr JSBs. The accuracy and report are both excellent. My interest for 18gr pellets would be in the 25-30fpe range and still be backyard friendly. I definitely do not like the length of the 600mm barrel, but the performance is very good.

I have .22 380, 500, 600 and 700 barrels for Crown (Mk2)

The newer super light barrel kits have a slightly larger transfer port opening (in brass) than older steel sleeve barrels.

I’ve tested and target shot them extensively.

A beautiful thing is that the 380 .22 barrel shooting 15.89g and the 500 .22 barrel shooting 18.13g will give you about the same velocity, with changing anything else (reg or hs).

I’m shooting 18.13g using the stock moderator at 885fps. My shooting table is very close to my neighbor’s house - no issues with noise.

I highly recommend the 500mm length if you’re primary pellet will be 18.13s with your Crown.



Crown Barrel Swap.jpeg
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Thanks for the informative reply. I'm currently shooting the 380mm .25cal barrel @ about 25fpe with the .25gr JSBs. The accuracy and report are both excellent. My interest for 18gr pellets would be in the 25-30fpe range and still be backyard friendly. I definitely do not like the length of the 600mm barrel, but the performance is very good.
I too shoot the 380mm .25 Crown in the backyard. I shoot the 600mm .25 out in the field for hunting. I don't currently see a need for a 500mm barrel for the type of shooting I do.
I installed the new 500mm barrel and had it out for a bit. It shoots very well at about 830fps. Acceptably quiet also. One nice thing about the Crown is the amount of adjustment it has with the transfer port and the power wheel. Seems very efficient with approx 100+ shots and maybe 70 bar of air. I'll have to make a point of figuring that out the next time I have the opportunity to get out.