600 L/H Yong Heng Water Pump..."Liters per Hour"?????

I wanted to get more water flow through my YH, but the little pump that came with it says "600L/H" That's a 158 gallons an hour! That can't be right...can it??? That thing would do good to pump one gallon a minute...

"Whaaaa....that can't be right!!!" 

Any recommendations on a replacement pump that is better, and doesn't cost a fortune?


Kindly 'Ol Uncle 
I've never owned a YH but when I was doing research and considering purchasing one I had considered building a garden hose connection and/or tap water connection. I'm curious if others had tried this? Seems much easier than a re-circulating pump and the input water temperature would be consistent instead of being slowly heated by the pump loop through the YH compressor. Instead of a loop you'd have an input side and an output side with a continuous supply of fresh cold water. Throw the output side in the sink drain and/or in the yard.