$79 for 4 tins of Crosman pellets!?😳


Feb 16, 2019
Recently @Kaylaindy posted 4 tins of Crosman pellets for $79 with free shipping. I was sure he mis-typed the price so I sent him a PM. His response was surprising and disappointing. Maybe it’s just me but I feel partial to the members of AGN and don’t take kindly to people who try to capitalize on a pellet shortage, charging a ridiculous price for the pellets. Crosman pellets cost $6 at Walmart. To charge 4 times the amount is a slap in the face. Maybe there are some guys out there that would fall for this because their Walmart doesn’t sell Crosman pellets. If you’re one of those guys and you want some Crosman pellets I will buy them for you and I won’t charge a dime on top. Just pay for however many pellets you want + shipping and packaging. 
I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this. I was hoping he ment something like $29 shipped. That would be a fair price. Unfortunately it wasn't a typo at all. I'm not sure why he would try to take advantage of people in need of pellets. If he was in need if pellets I'm sure he wouldn't pay that much for 4 tins of $6 crosman pellets. The funny thing is he actually had them at a higher price and quickly changed it. I think he had them at $109 or $129. Something insane.
Actually you did misread it. It was $99 for 4 tins lol I pm him too thinking it was a misprint. Our Walmarts here in Indiana carry some Crosman but it's always the 177s I usually get mine from Pyramid the buy 3 get one free deal. They just had the 22s in stock last week. After shipping it comes out to about $10 or 11 dollars a tin. I'm good with that.

Sorry @kaylaindy you should not being price gouging for low end pellets.

How can you respect and watch someone when I know for a fact they are trying to make money off used equipment. @kaylaindy got his Argus 60 from Krale and I know what the price is, and what he was originally asking. Yes, I am calling him out on this, but the pellet price issue does set me off.
dang, was only asking $100 shipped for these, and even then felt it a little high. (ooh, I'll make 10 bucks!)


But Crosman pellets? I mean, they any good for much other than plinking cans?