90 yard headshot on Rock Squirrel...another one for the stew!

90 Yard Head Shot Rock Squirrel
Vulcan 3 700mm 30 cal
54gn Thor Press slug @ 976 fps

@ZekeZX10, You made a great record of a notable shot! The time in flight allows for you to really see and appreciate the beauty of your craft. The drop and drift calculations were spot on, amigo.

How do you cook your GS? Slow cooker, I presume. Served with rice and veggies? The farm hands on my permission have told me the taste and texture is remarkably like pork.
@ZekeZX10, You made a great record of a notable shot! The time in flight allows for you to really see and appreciate the beauty of your craft. The drop and drift calculations were spot on, amigo.

How do you cook your GS? Slow cooker, I presume. Served with rice and veggies? The farm hands on my permission have told me the taste and texture is remarkably like pork.
Yeah I cook it up in a slow cooker usually like a stew with black beans diced tomatoes some taco seasoning peppers onions potatoes etc Post in thread 'Eat what you kill?' https://www.airgunnation.com/threads/eat-what-you-kill.1314240/post-1769179
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I don’t know if you’re aware or not,
California ground squirrels are
Known to carry the fleas that cause bubonic plague. I shoot them and leave them. I don’t even get close enough to take pictures.
Pretty much any type of squirrel, groundhog, rodent, can carry it. Not just ground squirrels, but you're much more likely to get it from a flea bite. I've been eating squirrels forever...knock on wood

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In my neck of the woods tularemia and the bacteria that causes bubonic are pretty common. Boriella too. Those rock squirrels are just covered in fleas and ticks. Them and the prairie dogs are the main vector for those diseases as well as a bunch of others.

I'm sure your recipe is a fine one. And the shot was superb. I'll pass on the stew brother. The thought of eating one of those critters is too much for me.
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Ok are 'rock squirrels' ground squirrels by another name? Out here they are disease carry vermin ain't getting no where near my mouth. And what camera are you using?
Your question got me curious-a Google search got me this site-https://wildlifeinformer.com/ground-squirrels-in-arizona/
Apparently, though similar to the California ground squirrels we know and love(to shoot!), they are a totally different species.
Ok are 'rock squirrels' ground squirrels by another name? Out here they are disease carry vermin ain't getting no where near my mouth. And what camera are you using?

Yeah. There’s Rock squirrels, ground squirrels, tree squirrels, car engine squirrels, house attic squirrels, and let’s not forget- SECRET SQUIRREL!

To the OP- very nice shot. The 30 gets it done every time
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