Went out to the Horseman's Association today with my faithful retriever Pete and Phil met up with us there with his cute little .22.s Two Pandas????, got to stretch them out to 75 yards. Anyway an absolute beautiful day, 70º and ZERO wind. Saw a few ground squirrels, after sighting in at 75 yards, both the FX 600 hit the 4" gong at 75 yards on a cold bore as well as the Jefferson State. A bit of adjustment got the 1" steel spinning on both. Saw one squirrel at 50 yards, used the Jefferson State, hit it but it went into its burrow, left a blood trail. Another popped up, I nailed it and it was DRT*, AEA 30gr slug. Saw a few others out at 125 yards, heard a thud on one, couldn't find it, ditto for another but it must have been on top of a burrow, no sign of it. LOTS of new active burrows, looks like it's going to be a big year.
All in all a good day, got to spend time with friends on a rare lovely day, it is normally quite windy there.
*Oh a story on the one I actually hit I was shooting and missing did that 5 times.....THEN I realized I didn't put a DA#N magazine in the gun.
All in all a good day, got to spend time with friends on a rare lovely day, it is normally quite windy there.
*Oh a story on the one I actually hit I was shooting and missing did that 5 times.....THEN I realized I didn't put a DA#N magazine in the gun.