A bottle it is!!

Have you seen this bottle conversion from JDSAirman.com? It doesn't require cutting the stock at all. It hasn't been released yet though.

"jdsairman will soon be selling short Marauder Tubes ( 7" ) that will
be pre drilled for our BROD Adapter,Regulator and Tank. There will
be no need to cut your current tube and you can always return your
gun to Stock."
That 7" tube is way too short for my needs. You have to have the correct plenum volume per your fpe needs. The JDS has to be regulated as well and is not the strongest of designs for a high power build. It only uses 2 anchor screws at the end of the tube. I believe that they rely on you using a lower reg pressure so there isn't as much stress on the anchor screws? The JDS has to be regulated at the bottle. I need unregulated pressure to make power in my .30 and the WAR drop down threads right in the end of the tube like the factory fill assembly, so it is very strong. Instead of cutting down my tube and threading it, I am just getting WAR's short tube made for the bottle kit that is I believe 11". It deletes the gauge block for added flow as the gauge will be on the drop down block along with the fill nipple. WAR's design is for high power unregulated sytems where as the JDS is for lower powered regulated systems
If I want to push the ES up to normal unregulated 4% range, I can get 10-12 shots on the stock tube. I get 7 very good shots at 1.6%. The stock tube is 215cc. I will have a total of 550cc's with the bottle and remaining tube I believe. I have no clue what it is going to get bottled?? There is alot more work that can be done to the valve and air pathways to increase shot count and power for that matter, but it is alot of work that I am uncertain if I want to do?
Hey AJ glad to hear you decided to take my advice! Haha! I always thought that would be the way to go on a .30 Mrod. Strever that seems odd to only get 10 shots with a bottle??? Just for the heck of it I looked up the RAW HM1000x .30 and it gets aprox 36 shots at 880 fps. with its 480 cc bottle. It pumps to 3300 psi vrs 3000 for the Marader but still. I'm sure you can get more efficiency than that.
russinbajaI see an up grade in your future. A PCP with a regulator. Lots of shots and no worrying about the air until you go below the regulators threshold. I think it is well worth saving for a regulated PCP. Read the reviews and choose something that fits your needs. Xmas is just around the corner and you deserve something nice... Don't you?

I have had regulated guns in the past, but as 30cal said, building marauders is my hobby. If I ever get the itch for regulated perfection out of the box I will follow 30's lead and order a RAW!!