A friendly little Craigslist ad.

Craigslist and ebay are both popular selling venues for criminals. Craigslist more so IMO. Ebay keeps better detail of sellers. Heck I've sold several items worth thousands on Craigslist they are quite minimal on collecting information on sellers. I do like it that way but am VERY cautious when meeting with potential purchasers. Come on over to my place ain't happenin EVER. Some "buyers" relieved me of my portable GPS when I was selling a boat. Be careful. I think 98% of people are good people.
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See how you feel about it when he calls you back. If he sounds sketchy report to the local gendarmes. You just might get someones guns back for them.
Sadly gun thefts from homes are underreported IMO. The law states the owner can be prosecuted for leaving guns accessible to children, or perhaps a felon is also at that address. If this seller has higher end guns and knows little or nothing about them? Red flag.
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Yeah, will see what he sounds like, the fact he couldn't tell me what he was selling exactly is not a great sign.
Just a guess, but Iā€™d venture theyā€™re an uncles or a ā€œfriendsā€ or someone elseā€™s who turned their back on them for a second and now theyā€™re up for sale.
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A thief can always get cash for guns. A safe is not near enough protection. If you are targeted by a genuine burglar vs. the local high school kid, say sayonara to your guns. Catch the you tube videos about gun safes, some are better than others. When I bought my safe I focused on fire resistance first. That's the more likely way to lose the guns. BOLT your safe to the floor, ideally on concrete. Install the safe such to prevent easy access with a pry bar.
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A thief can always get cash for guns. A safe is not near enough protection. If you are targeted by a genuine burglar vs. the local high school kid, say sayonara to your guns. Catch the you tube videos about gun safes, some are better than others. When I bought my safe I focused on fire resistance first. That's the more likely way to lose the guns. BOLT your safe to the floor, ideally on concrete. Install the safe such to prevent easy access with a pry bar.
I'm currently considering building a gun room. Part of my plans are to make the entryway smaller than the dimensions of the safes that will be inside and to make it tight enough inside so that a prying attack will be very difficult.
damn i totally forgot about CL. Ive been looking on ebay with no luck at all
Craigslist is one of those places where thereā€™ll be little or nothing for months at a time and then someone will post a Crosman Mk1 for $20 or a Sheridan for $75. For every one of those deals however thereā€™ll be dozens of cheap Gamos or Crosmans being sold for the same price as retail or someone like the person in this ad that ā€œknows what heā€™s gotā€.
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It's reasonable to run the serial numbers by the local LE where the guy is selling them. Craigslist is a sales venue for thieves. Ebay demands MUCH more detail from sellers. Still the crooks sell stuff there too. Sadly a great deal for you may have been grief for another. Powder burning guns are banned on both venues, Ebay can be great for gun parts. I like Craigslist a lot, caution is required across the board.
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I gotta defend Craigslist a little. I use eBay also but thereā€™s now way around sales tax if youā€˜re buying.
Fees if your selling and then add in PayPal also. I use another selling site for musical instruments called
Reverb, again fees, taxes, and PayPal.
So sometimes Craigslist comes through. For selling Let the first contact go through Craigslist mail then ask
prospect to send phone # . If that doesnā€™t happen thatā€™s it. You then call them and talk to them, from this
determining if they are full oh s it is usually easy. Ive had buyers come to house , I do try to have someone
else home and am always armed. Youā€™ve heard the stories about several people coming in and one wanders
around. Well that ainā€™t gonna happen.
Buying doesnā€™t seem to be risky either to me. I guess just use common sense
Ive bought and sold cars, 1 truck, motorcycles, vintage stereo equipment, guitars, amps, drums, tools,
and got rid of stuff free.
Only time I remember a weird situation was going to buy a bicycle, wife did the phone part and we went to
pick up . It was in a trailer park , phony seller ( we think) gave another trailers address just to watch prospective
buyers ? ? I forgot what happened except weird and no bike.
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