A good afternoon hunt with the springer.....

Today turned out to be a really good day. Here in North Alabama it was in the 40s and very grey overcast with no wind! The animals were moving all afternoon. I even enjoyed about a three minute stare down with a 5 point no more than 50-60 yards from me until he decided I made him uncomfortable enough and then he bolted. Little did he know that I had the wrong rifle for him....he was safe. Well......I left the woods this evening with 5 squirrels in the bag. All were shot in the head at varying distances of 25 - 40'ish yards. Today, no off hand shots. I was actually pretty deep in the woods and the sides of various trees were used for support. None taken off the ground today either....all were up in trees when killed. 



Thanks for taking a look.....TR

Nice hunt, and all the more of an accomplishment with that spring powered lead slinger - WELL DONE!

Thanks SteveV, I shoot that HW97 so often and pretty much hunt with it exclusively anymore. I'm so familiar with it I don't even think about it being a "springer" while hunting. It's just my rifle and I know how it shoots. Thank you for the comment.