Good clean backer is important to obtain good scores. A projectile shot into a target with no backing causes the card to shred, possibly increase in diameter and not make a clean hole. Here are 22 pellet examples.
From N50 website, Target/Scoring/Other. "To ensure that the best possible holes are produced in the targets, it is important to use clean backers of heavy cardboard or other to firmly support the target in a flat manner. ... The shooter should take care when hanging their targets to move the target slightly around the backer after each successive target to employ a fresh area for the projectile to penetrate."
Same rifle, same day, one N50 card after another. Difference? Changed the backer or moved the card target dots to clean areas.
Ragged backer. Note the clean holes to the right. Probably a clean backer area. You can pick the worst.
Note how clean the holes are. The scoring pins will leave no doubt what your score is.
Uncle Lou
From N50 website, Target/Scoring/Other. "To ensure that the best possible holes are produced in the targets, it is important to use clean backers of heavy cardboard or other to firmly support the target in a flat manner. ... The shooter should take care when hanging their targets to move the target slightly around the backer after each successive target to employ a fresh area for the projectile to penetrate."
Target / Scoring — National 50
Same rifle, same day, one N50 card after another. Difference? Changed the backer or moved the card target dots to clean areas.
Ragged backer. Note the clean holes to the right. Probably a clean backer area. You can pick the worst.
Note how clean the holes are. The scoring pins will leave no doubt what your score is.
Uncle Lou