Other A. H. Hartley Stalker Tiger Ten up and shooting

Finally got all the air leaks sealed up. Huma Air to the rescue, again. Tiger Ten uses a BSA Super Ten action. So I bought the Huma Air Super 10 regulator. Worked like a charm. Held air for 2 days.

On to the Chrony, hooked up the tether and tried a couple 14gr pellets and the numbers were all over the place.

H&N Barracuda Match 21gr were the answer. See below.

On to accuracy, Barracuda at 25 yards was hole in hole. At 45 yards my shaky hands still got less than 3/4 inch.

Tried some lighter pellets, surprisingly the H&N Coppa Spitzkugel pointed 16.05gr were 9 in 3/4 and 1 flyer.

JSB Heavy 25.39 were almost too big for the magazine and were not very good, 2 inches.

Then the star, Barra "The Mule" 19.90gr. 1/2 with multiple hole in hole even with me jiggling things around.

This is an awesome rifle, super quiet, nuts on accuracy and absolutely gorgeous.
