Finally got all the air leaks sealed up. Huma Air to the rescue, again. Tiger Ten uses a BSA Super Ten action. So I bought the Huma Air Super 10 regulator. Worked like a charm. Held air for 2 days.
On to the Chrony, hooked up the tether and tried a couple 14gr pellets and the numbers were all over the place.
H&N Barracuda Match 21gr were the answer. See below.
On to accuracy, Barracuda at 25 yards was hole in hole. At 45 yards my shaky hands still got less than 3/4 inch.
Tried some lighter pellets, surprisingly the H&N Coppa Spitzkugel pointed 16.05gr were 9 in 3/4 and 1 flyer.
JSB Heavy 25.39 were almost too big for the magazine and were not very good, 2 inches.
Then the star, Barra "The Mule" 19.90gr. 1/2 with multiple hole in hole even with me jiggling things around.
This is an awesome rifle, super quiet, nuts on accuracy and absolutely gorgeous.
On to the Chrony, hooked up the tether and tried a couple 14gr pellets and the numbers were all over the place.
H&N Barracuda Match 21gr were the answer. See below.
On to accuracy, Barracuda at 25 yards was hole in hole. At 45 yards my shaky hands still got less than 3/4 inch.
Tried some lighter pellets, surprisingly the H&N Coppa Spitzkugel pointed 16.05gr were 9 in 3/4 and 1 flyer.
JSB Heavy 25.39 were almost too big for the magazine and were not very good, 2 inches.
Then the star, Barra "The Mule" 19.90gr. 1/2 with multiple hole in hole even with me jiggling things around.
This is an awesome rifle, super quiet, nuts on accuracy and absolutely gorgeous.