Finally received these two classic and very classy rifles on Friday.
Weeks delay due to the power being shut off during the winds and fires in SoCal.
The Falcon Hawk still had air, after figuring out how to fill the tube I presurizerd it to 2000psi.
Test fired that night, into the ground, Bang, done, still works.
This morning I chrono a couple rounds ~825FPS with Norma 15.9
Then then fun began, tried to air up the Hartley.
Tube leaks, Gun interface leaks, internal leaks.
So I started pulling things apart.
Every o'ring was flat and broke into pieces.
Pulled everything i was comfortable with and replaced all the o'rings i could find.
Rifle is based on the BSA Superten.
Put it all back together and lo and behold 2500PSI and holding.
So, i figured load up the magazine with some of my .22 gathering dust Crossman recreational 14.3
Very respectable 900FPS.
Now i need some 11mm scope rings.
Only had a couple cantilever one piece mounts in 11mm and they blocked the magazines on both rifles.
Amazon delivering to tomorrow, so no scopes and no accuracy checks...
Now onto FrankenTalon hammer upgrade
-- Matt
Weeks delay due to the power being shut off during the winds and fires in SoCal.
The Falcon Hawk still had air, after figuring out how to fill the tube I presurizerd it to 2000psi.
Test fired that night, into the ground, Bang, done, still works.
This morning I chrono a couple rounds ~825FPS with Norma 15.9
Then then fun began, tried to air up the Hartley.
Tube leaks, Gun interface leaks, internal leaks.
So I started pulling things apart.
Every o'ring was flat and broke into pieces.
Pulled everything i was comfortable with and replaced all the o'rings i could find.
Rifle is based on the BSA Superten.
Put it all back together and lo and behold 2500PSI and holding.
So, i figured load up the magazine with some of my .22 gathering dust Crossman recreational 14.3
Very respectable 900FPS.
Now i need some 11mm scope rings.
Only had a couple cantilever one piece mounts in 11mm and they blocked the magazines on both rifles.
Amazon delivering to tomorrow, so no scopes and no accuracy checks...
Now onto FrankenTalon hammer upgrade
-- Matt