A little Huben pic

Just got a couple of our Hubens back from the dipper tonight. I think they turned out awesome.

We have had five of them dipped in five different patterns so far and we are planning on a group photo sometime. These also have a soft touch coating applied and makes them very grippy.

Mine is the brown one, done up in Moonshine Outshine camo.

There are seven of us in southwest Indiana that have .22 Hubens and we are loving them. They are perfect for our needs.


The hubens look good, I’ve been pretty curious about them. I’m located in southern Illinois near Carbondale.

I'm located just off interstate 64 north of Dale about 60 miles from Illinois border. If you get over this way and want to check one out just send me a pm.

I might have to take you up on that, have you tried any of the 25cal? Have you tried slugs in either cal?
Hi Steve

I know if the reg is set under 100 bar it will malfunction sometimes. Also when you shoot it down to that level it will malfunction. When you air it up and dial in the reg you can hear the magazine piston engage at about 90 bar or so.. I was told to keep them running at 150 to be safe but we are having excellent luck running them at 110 to 130 bar and shooting down to that setting but no less. All 7 of our guns are set up to shoot the JSB 25 gr at anywhere from 885 to 920 or so. We also found that turning the power wheel in 4 clicks will drop the speed to around 800 fps and it's still pretty accurate. So far we haven't been interested in shooting slugs out of them as the 25 gr pellet does what we want it to and we are having excellent luck with them.