N/A A meme worth it


Best advertising of the sport ever.
I can't dream of a better way to make more young people into the very rigid and formal (and hard) 10 meter shooting.
Not air gun, but shotgun. Back in the early 70's I was posted to Izmir Turkey with the USAF, supporting a major NATO headquarters. We had just out of town a NATO rod and gun club, (not much rod about it) with nice skeet range. The grounds were owned by a Turk, whose home was to one side of the grounds. Now it seems as though he was an international, don't know about Olympics, skeet champion. Part of his rent payment for the property was a perpetual membership in the club and a large quantity of US skeet ammo. That guy was good, he would start with the gun butt on his hip or thigh and was extremely fast, I do not remember seeing him miss a shot. I had never shot a shotgun much before I got there. We were not allowed to have rifled arms unless one had been in country prior to a certain date, so it was shotguns, so I learned to shoot skeet. Ammo, usually Winchester AA skeet was cheap, we could pay for a round of skeet, then sell the empties to some of the Turkish groundskeepers and end up shooting a round for $1.00, not bad. I got pretty good back then, but nothing like that Turkish gentleman.