This project started when I sent my gun to Rafael Jorge for modifications. I initially asked if he thought he could get 14 shots @ 90 FPE using the 50 gr JSB pellets. He thought it would be fairly easy based on work he previously done with the 25 cal BT65. He started modifying and decided there was some parts he could machine to make better. He asked me for permission to make some parts and I basically told him he had carte blanche and could be a mad scientist to see how much performance he could get from the gun. Well, after doing a valve mod he got 14 shots @ 950 fps with the 50 gr pellets (100 FPE), with 2% ES and 20 shots @ 95 FPE with 4% ES. Then he had an idea to see if he could regulate the gun for even more consistent performance. He had to machine a bigger air tube for the regulator to maintain good power and get at least 14 shots. After getting it regulated he got 85 FPE (930 fps) with the 44 gr JSB pellets over 14 + shots with a 3-4 fps ES. I was happy with this but eventually decided to get a hybrid gun. The really great design factor with Hatsan PCPs are the removable air tubes. So Rafael decided to make a gun that would have a regulated tube and an unregulated tube if more power was desired. So in the end I have a rifle that I can shoot regulated for 80-85 FPE or a real brute that can shoot 14 shots with 2% ES @ 100+ FPE with a minor adjustment of the hammer spring or up to 120 FPE for 5 shots with a hammer spring adjustment. In the end, the regulator is set to shoot 895 fps with 2-3 fps ES. Since my main use will be as a long range plinker this will work just fine. After making these modifications he decided he could squeeze a little more accuracy from the gun by removing the Hatsan QE shroud and replacing it with a carbon fiber wrapped barrel and carbon fiber LDC. I replaced the synth stock with a wood one I ordered from HatsanUSA to make it look better. So I finally got a chance to run the gun through its paces. I zeroed the scope at 50 yards and after a few pellets I had all of them touching. The LDC reduced the sound to something like a 25 cal. The first stage of the trigger is very short and it breaks at 13oz. After it got bored shooting at 50 yards I set out my spinner to 100 yards. After about 4 ranging shots I was hitting them every time with no problems. I then set out some 12 oz cans at 130 yards and began knocking them over with no problem. All in all this is a beast of a gun. It probably should be considered a whole new gun with all the modifications. The only downside is that in order to get up to 120FPE with the unregulated tube Rafael had to change the hammer spring to some more robust. He got around this by adding a double spring set-up. The drawback to this is the bolt is a beast to work. I’m a pretty strong guy but after about 100 shots my hands were very sore from working the bolt. Since I have a 35 cal that fit into that 120-150 FPE range I’m thinking about getting another regulator and using this gun as a regulated gun only. I took some pictures out where I shoot but the light was very bright and I was using my phone. So when I got home I decided to get out my DSLR camera and take better pictures. The scope is a Vector Optics 10-40x56 FFP.