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A simple method of aligning wind flags

A friend of mine turned me on to this simple method of aligning your wind flags so the credit goes to @Buckeye68 . We were both previously using string from the bench to the target stand, which works great but it’s kind of a pain, especially when someone else walks into your string 🤪.

We bought a $18 GREEN laser pointer off of FleaBay but I assume Amazon sells them too. Then mounted it to a 3 point adjustable base. Set the base next to your rifle, on the bench, and point it to your target. Walk out to where you want to position your flag and stand in front of the laser until you find the dot on your chest then position your flag just below the laser. Below is a link to the one I bought.

@Buckeye68 has a much higher tech aluminum base. Perhaps he will post a picture of his?

BTW, a red laser does NOT work in bright sunlight. Don’t ask how I know that tidbit of info?

Here’s the laser mount I made. Everything I used was just lying around the shop. I found a piece of aluminum laying behind my toolbox, 3 old baldeagle adjustable legs and a short picatinny rail. Drilled a few holes and 1 hour later I was done. Much faster than the string I was using and it takes up less room in my box that I carry to the range. With the 3 adjustable legs, it’s easy to set up for any range I may visit.


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As a question of curiosity and just not knowing or having experiences with the wind flags - when you guys place them to you do it in such a way you can see them and the target through the scope at all times. Or do you place them so you can view target through the scope and then the flags with your free open eye? I’ve never setup flags before so I’m interested in the logic employed when setting up.
As a question of curiosity and just not knowing or having experiences with the wind flags - when you guys place them to you do it in such a way you can see them and the target through the scope at all times. Or do you place them so you can view target through the scope and then the flags with your free open eye? I’ve never setup flags before so I’m interested in the logic employed when setting up.
Every range is different as far as how you can see them according to how flat or hilly the ground is. Generally, I lay them out so I can see the whole flag. Lowest to highest the farther you go out.
I shoot heads up 95% of the time. Once I settle on a wind condition I put my radical where I want it and watch the flags. If the wind changes then I will switch to my 2nd wind condition. If the wind is staying the same I will run them till it changes.
I will generally place them out the same distance every time. I start at the bench and walk out X steps and place my first flag then X steps and place the second flag till I’m done.
I shoot at an out of state match and I will get place my first flag 2’ I front of the bench because how the property is lay out. Every range is different.
I place mine down the left outside edge of the target so I can watch them while my right eye is in the scope.
I use this method often but if the benches have a bit of space between them I put the far flag under the target so I can see it in the scope . Then I lightly curve away from the flag to the left and back in to the closest flag maybe 5 yards off the bench to my left. That curve allows me to view all the flags at a glance in what I describe as a 3D look at the field.
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