A surprise to be sure....but a welcome one

Got up extra early this morning to get work done before church as we have a couple guys off. I figured I was gonna be there an hour and a half before sunrise I would check to see if there were any rats. I didn't see one anywhere. So that's cool I bought a NV scope for shooting rats lol. Anyways I went and checked in our barn as no one was there at that time. Had at least 30 pigeons in there. Turned my Shorty down to 12fpe with 20 18gr JTS and went to town. I recovered 14 but for sure hit 16 all in about 3 minutes. I need to do a new setting on my Zulus for such close shooting. 5-12yds would be my guess on longest shots and had to aim real high and some I just hit the rafters below them at first. But they were in a panic in there flying in circles as it was so dark outside the barn they wouldn't leave. If I had more pellets on me I would have gotten quite a few more. So while i might not have found any rats i learned a better time to go to the barn and take out the pigeons.
I keep my PP750 in my truck 24/7 as to not miss an opportunity. Fits nicely in a backpack behind the seat.
I've got a side folder stock coming for my 25 kral shorty I built. Going to keep that in the work van with my 48ci bottle for refills. Maybe I'll pop some pigeons around town and feed the homeless!
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Dillon, excellent shooting at such close range! Very nice pic 👍. Shots with steep inclines or declines are very tough, nice adjustments!
Thanks Randall! Yeah I didn't think it was needed to aim so high but was higher than I thought. Usually I shoot with a red dot or open sight springer at this distance
Good shooting @Dairyboy and you now know the one of best times to come after those pigeons. On my Zulus my 15 yards hash mark is the same as my 50 yard “holdover” hash mark with my Zero being 25 yards… Close, sub 15 yard shots can be very difficult if not set up for them properly…
Thanks Randall! Yeah I didn't think it was needed to aim so high but was higher than I thought. Usually I shoot with a red dot or open sight springer at this distance
Dillon, recently I was shooting at a friend's permission for ground squirrels at 4400 ft elevation and shooting from a 15 ft high deck....I know you adapted much quicker than I did...LOL! It was comedy for more than a few shots!
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I found out Saturday that I sucked at 12-17 yards so I wouldn’t stand a chance closer than that. It’s a crazy hobby when we can envy someone’s almost point blank skills.
Just simply swap out to a different rig… Of my four, only one is configured for sub 15 yards shooting. Close range rats and roosting birds at night…
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Just simply swap out to a different rig… Of my four, only one is configured for sub 15 yards shooting. Close range rats and roosting birds at night…
When you’re stuck in the woods an hour from home, I had to make do with the rig I was carrying. And I failed. Would have loved to have adapted like Dairyboy did but I got my pants put on for me. Worked on my short game Saturday afternoon. Now I have dope stickers on my gun for sub 25 shooting.
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Good shooting @Dairyboy and you now know the one of best times to come after those pigeons. On my Zulus my 15 yards hash mark is the same as my 50 yard “holdover” hash mark with my Zero being 25 yards… Close, sub 15 yard shots can be very difficult if not set up for them properly…
Thanks! Yeah I definitely will be taking the time to set up and know my holdovers so close.
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Dillon, recently I was shooting at a friend's permission for ground squirrels at 4400 ft elevation and shooting from a 15 ft high deck....I know you adapted much quicker than I did...LOL! It was comedy for more than a few shots!
Oh interesting. Yeah I've heard big elevation change can make a world of a difference in trajectory. I always shoot around 500ft elevation and never any change so never had to deal with that. Fun learning experience!
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I found out Saturday that I sucked at 12-17 yards so I wouldn’t stand a chance closer than that. It’s a crazy hobby when we can envy someone’s almost point blank skills.
Lol yeah not what I'm used to. I'm used to popping starling and pigeons at 50-80yds not this close range stuff. At least not a scoped gun but made due with what I had. I will be doing what you did and finding out my dopes at as close as 5yds which seems crazy but is what it is. Could have used a stick honestly for some lol
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