About to buy my 1st air gun. I gots questions...

So I may be fixin' to buy my 1st air gun. Taking advantage of the July 4th sale at Pyramyd Air. Gonna buy a Hatsan AT 44-10 QE Long (.25), I think. So if I'm getting a little bit of a deal, I figured I'd go ahead and buy pellets too. But that's where I'm stumped, I don't know which pellets to buy. The Internet (American Airgunner, YouTube, PA and random forums) says JSB (for this particular gun) but then there are more than one type of JSB in .25. I hate being ignorant. I know I need to try different pellets to see which my gun likes best. So if y'all (the experts) were going to pick up to 4 pellets (buy 3 get one free at PA) to try in this gun, which would they be?

On a side note, the rep I spoke to at PA recommended I buy three different types of JSB pellets for this gun: a 25g and 2 different types of 35g. 

If it matters for type of pellet this gun will be used for target shooting/plinking and hopefully rats, rabbits, squirrels, birds, other random small animals and maybe a coyote if I get good enough with it.

Just swimming in ignorance here so I'd appreciate any direction you could offer.
I would get only dome type pellets they are the best for longer range and better in my opinion for killing at longer range. Flat nose pellets are for punching targets and I believe work best at lower velocities and shorter distances. So the next thing is some guns like different pellets for one reason or another so it's your best interest to eventually test a lot of different ones. Jabs are usually a great pellet in most pcps which is why they are so popular, but that's not to say the best. I would start with a light and a heavy jsb and maybe a very heavy eunjin if you wished for coyote slaying. And if you live near a BPS you can pick up a can of Benjamin and not pay to have shipped. 
"amccoy"So I may be fixin' to buy my 1st air gun. Taking advantage of the July 4th sale at Pyramyd Air. Gonna buy a Hatsan AT 44-10 QE Long (.25), I think. So if I'm getting a little bit of a deal, I figured I'd go ahead and buy pellets too. But that's where I'm stumped, I don't know which pellets to buy. The Internet (American Airgunner, YouTube, PA and random forums) says JSB (for this particular gun) but then there are more than one type of JSB in .25. I hate being ignorant. I know I need to try different pellets to see which my gun likes best. So if y'all (the experts) were going to pick up to 4 pellets (buy 3 get one free at PA) to try in this gun, which would they be?

On a side note, the rep I spoke to at PA recommended I buy three different types of JSB pellets for this gun: a 25g and 2 different types of 35g. 

If it matters for type of pellet this gun will be used for target shooting/plinking and hopefully rats, rabbits, squirrels, birds, other random small animals and maybe a coyote if I get good enough with it.

Just swimming in ignorance here so I'd appreciate any direction you could offer.

Well the thread says "first airgun". So I guess you have also picked out the equipment it takes to use that type of airgun? AKA air supply from a pump or a tank? 2900 psi rifle so you can fill it with a pump if your in good shape.