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Absolute Novice's 20 yard "Wanabe like Manabe" challenge

Hi all,

I'm Angelo, 33 years, Dutch but I live in Aruba, and I'm new here. I bought my first air rifle three days ago. I have about 350 shots with it so far, and other then a day of shooting with a friend when I was a teenager I have no experience. I saw the Manabe challenge on this forum and thought it would be fun to give it a try. You will all probably get a good laugh out of it but I'm actually pretty happy with it because the first day I got the rifle I was lucky to even hit a bottle at 20 yards
The Rifle used is a Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500. As I understand not the ideal beginners rifle but I'm having a ton of fun shooting it. I have read a lot about air guns the last days, and it amazes me how a few simple tips like artillery hold and breathing technique have an immediate effect in getting better.

I forgot to fill out the form on the target:
Benjamin trail NP XL 1500 .177
The scope that came with it , center point 3-9x40
Crossman Premier Hollowpoint (7.9 ithink) the only ones I have now.

Anyway, here the results, I used the paper with 25 1 inch targets, because the 100 target paper that some us is just too difficult for me.
I was doing "so good" the first 9 shots, then the 10th miss made me nervous and broke my concentration. Curious to see my results a month from now when I have tried different pellets.

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"Hook, line, and sinker!" 

In case you are not familiar with the above phrase, it is a fishing metaphor. It means, that you are like a fish that ate not only the bait, but the hook, the leader line, and the weight (sinker). In other words you have become completely hooked on airguns. This is a good thing, in my opinion.

With the difficulty of that rifle, and for an inexperienced shooter, that is pretty impressive shooting regardless of your shooting position. However, I would like to know if you shot this from a bench, in a seated field target position, standing off-hand, or another stance---there are many.

Overcoming the bad shot is one of the big challenges of shooting. And, for that matter any sport where a miss causes one to start thinking about that incident rather than letting it go, and just continue.

One of the interesting things I found about your post is that you used the American system of measurement "yards" rather than the normal for the rest of the world "meter". I assume that you shot this at about 18.3 meters which is very close to 20 yards. If so, then I congratulate you on knowing and using the convention of the predominate country of this forum. I think it might be difficult to find an American tape measure in most other countries. If you have a tape measure that has the American inches, or yards marked on it, I'm doubly impressed.

Thanks, and definitely hooked! I'm counting down hours/days till the next time my schedule allows for shooting. I shot this from a table with a DIY rest bag filled with rice. Off hand I have no control. I have a tape measure with both inches and cm on it! But I'm pretty familiar with the US measurements Aruba relies heavily on tourism/tourists from US and is quite Americanized. And I've been ordering a lot of stuff online from the US for years now which helps.
KingPalm, I have thoroughly enjoyed your post man, and for that particular springer, that is mighty fine first time shooting the Manabe challenge.

I was just like you a couple years back. My first Springer was Gamo Silent Cat followed by a Umarex Octane. My wife and I would have daily contest shooting wine corks at 20 yds. And looking at your target I would say you would have hit about 15 out of 25 wine corks with no problems ;-) Pretty darn good!

Really enjoy your enthusiasm, and hope to see more of your progress in this addiction. Also hope to see you venture over to the dark side with your first PCP set up as well ;-)

Enjoy your trigger time brother and thanks for sharing.
Hi Angelo,
I think you did great! It's not an easy pellet rifle to begin shooting, but looks like you have got a handle on it. With Time and Practice, you will get better and soon you'll be hitting the bullseye with frequency.
And you have to remember, that you are shooting these targets with the only pellets you have...Its very possible that a different pellet will get you better results..Give JSB's a try...think they might help you get better results.
Keep Shooting Angelo, and thanks for posting your target...I am interested to see what a months worth of practice will yield
Good Luck
Mike Manabe.
Thanks guys, yes monday I'm going to buy heavier pellets, most reviewers have a favorite pellet for this rifle that is (a lot) heavier than 7.9.
As for venturing over to PCP. I already have a Marauder on my wishlist, but I first want to "master" this rifle up to a certain extent. Buying 2 rifles in the first week seems a little, what's the english word, irrational?
Problem is I know the shop where I'm going has the Marauder in stock and I know my mind is very good at justifying irrational purchases. "I'm just gonna have a look" "or I'm just gonna buy this, nothing else" usually means a big chunk out of my bank account balance
Angelo, First welcome! You are now entering a road that seems to have no return route!. It is very addicting but of the good kind.

Next you will go into PCPs , then start a club, then shoot competitions, then go to international competitions around the world, then......Uh, Sorry! Getting ahead of myself.....LOL

Seriously Angelo, you will find plenty of information and make new friends here on this forum and others. The classifieds on AGN and the Yellow Forum are good sources to buy, sell, and find good deals.

Best of all this air gun community is full of good people to chat and share information with. Camp Fussel, Cold King, Manabeknives, Zephyr, ezerhoden, chasdicapua and me are some of the frequent posters here. What I like is, at least on AGN, there is really no attitudes or egos to deal with. Most all are gracious and enjoyable to talk to.

Hope you find it a good experience. By the way, shooting the target you did was impressive for just starting in airguns. I find all levels of spring airguns to be difficult to master for accuracy. Good Job!.