Absolutely ZERO blood.

Spent some real quality time yesterday getting the guns, one a Maverick Sniper, one a Maverick VP both .25 , tuned, and THAT is going to be a real WTH story for later. Any way it was suppose to rain here in CA and low and behold it did, along with wind, but hey might get lucky with the ground critters. Got there about 0930 and...the little pluckers were in their holes, by the stove, in their recliners, watching their flat panels. Nary a one popped its head out. Well never let a learning situation go to waste so, picked a small squirrel size rock about 45 yards away, wind let up for a moment and....whoopie hit it. Picked another rock a touch further out directly into the wind, took a shot and was low, gee I wonder why..rhetorical question eye ball adjusted up 4.5mil and whoopee hit it. Time for some BIG game...a beer bottle on it's side. First shot, OWTH I hit it, now the wind is coming at 90º so to finish off the kill it took 3 more shots but I can add it to my mantle. Now the tuning thing, I'm going to post it in the PCP forum, let's just say that it throws all of the rules straight out the window.