Acceptable average 20 yd springer accuracy??

lol .. if itl put them all in 1 inch at 20 its an acceptable squirrel gun, few springers will do that ... 2 in 1 out and a couple more 3-4" out is more average results from a springer .. yeah i know i know, your 1k$ springer shoots dimes at 50 .. 'most' springers though just arnt consistent, way it is ..
Well, I would not own any of those guns for long. But not everyone has the same requirements for what they enjoy. Yesterday my wife and I had a little 23 yard match between just the 2 of us. I have been shooting for 68 years. Her, less than 68 days, but she has a great instructor, lol. We shot a target we shoot in our local indoor 10 meter league but at 23 yards. 10 ring is .200 with a tiny dot, dot scores 11. I shot my TX200, she shot 1 of our 2 Diana 75s, all in .177. Yes, off the bench. I did not tell her I was going to score the targets. I started off badly with back to back 9s. When it was done we had identical scores of 256. Lots of just missed the little dot by a hair shots. But, all 50 shots if measured center to center would be about .5 with most of them under .3. Accurate rifles are fun. I can't shoot that 75 as it has a 10 oz trigger. She shoots it well and will not let be lighten it, if we both shot that gun head to head she would beat me most likely. Now if I shot the other 75 with a 2.7 oz
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I mostly shoot at notebook reinforcement rings placed on the backsides of old centerfield targets from matches I keep for that purpose. You can buy the in colors at Wally world. The yellow ones I make blackmwith a wide tip Sharpe. Some examples of the rings and the target we shoot at a lot and we used yesterday's day.
Not talking about your best day, just your average performance, 10 shot groups 20 yards, what do you expect?

I never shoot that distance, but I occasionally shoot @ 30 yards on my cousin's property. I'm not an expert marksman by any means. But at that distance, the vast majority of my five-shot groups can be completely covered with a dime. That's from a bench w/scoped .177 high-end springers (Air Arms, Weihrauchs, FWB Sport, Walther LGU).

At home, I'm restricted to 40 feet. At that distance, most groups are about aspirin-sized, with the occasional five-shot group the same size, or just slightly larger, than a single pellet hole.

With the guns that have open sights (HW95, R1), at 40 feet I almost always get the same sized groups that I get at 30 yards with my scoped guns.

I'd say the above qualifies as average performance by someone who just shoots for fun. :)
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This is my personal best with a springer at 25 yards.
Five shots one hole. Keeping my nerve for the last two shots was the amazing part. .068 c to c

View attachment 479785
Your correct, first 3 shots are easy, lol. Nice group but it's tougher in a competitive situation because you must do it Now, Multiple times. Groups like the one you show let's us all know how good our rifles are and how we often we screw up.
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This thread is proof that I need to practice
I used to shot 3-500 round a day. But In the winter is was just to cold to sit outside and shoot. But what I discovered and I am going to start doing again is “not” shooting practice.
Get your rifle and sit in you best field target shooting position. Set up a target as far away as you can. Maybe 30 feet

See how long you can hold your center dot on the bullseye. At first it was like two seconds before it would start to swing back and forth. Short five minutes sessions couple times a day and after a couple weeks I could reach up and scratch my ear without moving off target. I could hold on target with my right hand off the stock. When I stopped doing it for a month or two I lost most of it. But it is a great way to train. If you can’t shoot. Just aim.
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You’re correct, first 3 shots are easy, lol. Nice group but it's tougher in a competitive situation because you must do it Now, Multiple times. Groups like the one you show lets us all know how good our rifles are and how we often we screw up.

Your correct, first 3 shots are easy, lol. Nice group but it's tougher in a competitive situation because you must do it Now, Multiple times. Groups like the one you show let's us all know how good our rifles are and how we often we screw up.
I can’t even do it again . Forget competition. I get three of four and leave a clover leave sticking out .
I can’t even do it again . Forget competition. I get three of four and leave a clover leave sticking out .
Yes you can. Find a local indoor archery range to shoot at. That's what I have done. I made a portable bench to use and store it at that range. We are the limitation not the better Springers. Get a good set up and pay attention to what your doing, you will surprise your self. First 6 shoots I held I think I was in the top 3 1 time. I quit sorting, sizing, weighing pellets and started paying aattention to how I was shooting each shot. I have won out last 5 matches. Same gun, same tune. I just started paying attention. You can surprise yourself. Your goal is to beat the target, forget other shooters.
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I just run a 5 day test with a little HW50's. This test wasn't about just the gun. I want to use this gun for a walk around woods gun, for everything from plinking to hunting. With HUNTING the main reason for this test. I also have noticed this one of 3 out of 7 rifles I own, that are always spot on the same POI whenever I call on them.

But this test considered first shot, 2 to 5 shots, cocked for 30 minuets and shot. I even wanted to know the what if scenario if I grabbed the wrong pellets. So AA 10.3 grain Heavy Field, JSB 7.4 grain RS Exact, and H&N 8.6 grain FTT. No exact shot count but excess of 50, maybe 70 pellets total. All with me leaning against the side of my house @ 22 yards. Prognoses was, if the gun can hit minuet of squirrel head at this range, with all pellets in all scenarios, I will have the confidence that everything else is on me, and the gun will not be the weak link.
50+ shots over 6 days Off Hand 20 yards.jpg
50+ shots offhand 20 yards.jpg

Needles to say, with the best pellet, the 10.3 grain and 7'4 grain there is a difference of 220+ fps. with the AA HF running 620 fps, and the JSB RS @850 fps. I will likely choose the JSB. The extra weight would be nice, but the JSB I think will give me the cushion I need with my weaker range guestimation at various targets of opportunity. But both would be hard to choose from with the AA slightly less accurate, at least at 20 yards where I tested them.

The H&N FTT was about identical to the AA HF but since the speed was only about 100fps difference the better weight of the AA HF wins for hunting in my opinion over the FTT.

But here you have another spin on what matters for accuracy from a hunting standpoint. For group or score shooting, I would test and determine my winner in a much different fashion. Score accuracy as stated would be determined different from group shooting. And yes, I have guns as accurate shooting groups, but one seems more consistent with its POI for POI in various places on the same target.
I never make it through a match without clicking the scope. I don't think it's the gun, I think it's that the shooter has had a slight change of technique resulting in a shift in poi. I most often end up at my initial sight setting but click multiple times in between. The group who zero and never change seldom win. My buddy and I smile and keep clicking.
I read some think large shoot count groups tell how accurate a rifle is. I think it shows how consistent the shooter is, especially with Springer. So yesterday I shot 1 20 shot group at 20 meters, 22 yards, with my YX200 in .177. The rings measure .500 on the inside. I did this with AA 8.44 pellets out of the tin. These are the 3rd best pellet in this rifle but not far from the best, I practce with them as I have lots. Pic of the group and the group underneath a dime. I will shot a group with the best prller but not todays, arthritis in my hands not good today. I actually thought I would shoot smaller but it is what it is. Ok, here is a one time 20 shot group at 20 meters.
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Big difference between shooting groups and hitting a given spot. These types of threads should specify which one they are going to be.
^^This^^. My TX sometimes sits for weeks or even months. It's important to me for it to shoot where I'm looking the first shot, it does. You never know when a sparrow will invade my bluebird boxes.
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