717 vs Gamo Compact or AV10-- the compact will sit in your hand better, better grips and sight less weight and the trigger can be improved with a change of spring in the assembly
you have the FAS 6004 and the Sig Super Target but have the same power plant both are nice the FAS had target grips both came and went in a very short time, nicer than the AV10 but better maybe, maybe not
HW 40 vs the AV10-SIG-FAS it is and all plastic pistol trigger can be made better with a longer adjustment screw but you will have to make it and if you ask i would tell you how
P2-HW75 the nicest of the bunch and the most money and i believe their price well see a huge jump very soon with world events happening
those are all SSP pistols in a standard looking pistol or course there is the Beeman P17 the HW 40 clone just buy one and be done with it like it hate it i don't care but i have one and it is the hard cock pistol i own and i do own a Hatsan 25
target pistol are the next group without going to PCP
IZH 46 or 46m would be a great choice no parts now but who know a week from now prices are up but again the world is in flux
one of the best triggers you will find in it's price range
and there are other great SSP pistols most are hard to find and not cheap
the HW45 is a fine pistol you can change the barrels once you get the 2 little screws out of the barrel plate that holds it in place
are they hard to shoot NO but i grew up competing with Colt Gold Cup .45 acp so i have a head start
the pistol shoots the softest in .22 so if you don't like that you sure as hell would not like the .177
so most of the pistols above will outshoot the average shooter
would i wait and save for say the 46m sure that is a plan would i buy the AV-10 again sure it is a nice pistol
do i see a new pistol that is going to set the world on fire that meets your wants coming along soon, not if the last 10 years shows me anything
the IZH 46m after looking on Complete Ebay are going for big bucks so that ship could have sailed already
now all the pistols mention i do own and we are talking SSP pistols