Accuracy: I think once you have found the right settings and

The inherent accuracy of an air rifle is virtually 100% the barrel, assuming a reasonably consistent delivery of air. That said, there is a huge difference in realizing the barrel's potential. The quality of the trigger release and the mechanical action of hammer and spring will vary a great deal, along with the ergonomics that the rifle offers the shooter. So yes, I agree, time and concentration will differ a great deal. I've seen very accomplished shooters wring good results out of a very mediocre rifle, and poor shooters that can't shoot a world class rifle. My personal testimony would be closer to the latter group!
And then the temperature changes! 😂 ..Education(learning path that never ends),
Shooter,Barrel, projectile,tune(understand what changed and why and how to get back).
In that order from my bean🤔
Absolution is something I have found to be very unreliable in this game! But common all the same?

Great topic.
Great post! I see some brutal honesty here! 😀

Some of us (not me of course 😉 ) are affected with the need for absolute accuracy. There are those who think us to be "extreme" (anal?), but that doesn't dampen our enjoyment of shooting as it's part of the game that attracts us.

Minute-of-a-tin-can plinking accuracy has its place as does Sub-MOA groups at long range, both are fun!

My airguns are well tuned and are capable of excellent groups. Anytime I look at a group and think that my equipment is the problem I stand up and shoot a group off hand... the humility helps me focus on the real problem. 😁

I think you are correct. The guns are all capable of about the same accuracy. I think some are easier to achieve that with and I guess are a bit more forgiving. I’ve had a lot of different kinds of guns and I really notice this. Just my personal experience and it may vary. I have been both a fan and critic of fx Airguns. Think it has all been hashed out. One thing I cannot put them down for after owning several different guns in the impact/maverick/wildcat BT platforms is the shot cycle and shooter experience. It’s so darn smooth. Yes many have had poi issues (me not so much ) that can be a problem but the cycle is just smooth and easier to shoot accurately at a given power level. I have owned an epoch and to me its shot cycle had a lot more feedback into the gun and shooter. Much of which in my opinion is masked by the weight. Not a hard gun to shoot accurately. I currently have a delta wolf and a wildcat bt. Both in .25. The BT is so much smoother. It at 63 ft/lbs feels similar to the DW at 43. Don’t get me wrong I love the DW but it’s harder to shoot with precision. You have to do your part more. All this is also exacerbated I believe by my crappy shooting bench. It isn’t the most stable.
And then the temperature changes! 😂 ..Education(learning path that never ends),
Shooter,Barrel, projectile,tune(understand what changed and why and how to get back).
In that order from my bean🤔
Absolution is something I have found to be very unreliable in this game! But common all the same?

Great topic.
Jayson hit the nail on the head. Simple four point explanation. Can’t get more direct and accurate than that.
With the right pellet, scope, etc., most good-quality air rifles are close to the same accuracy. What is different is the amount of time and concentration required to achieve that accuracy. What do you think?:unsure:
I would agree because for myself and what I do with my airguns? A certain degree of accuracy, that maybe indequate in competition, is good enough. I don’t compete with my PCPs and simply shoot for fun and yes, when I buckle down my groups are much tighter. But 95% of the time I’m shooting for fun. So the results don’t matter. Minute of pest out to 50 or 60 yards and I’m satisfied… All of my PCPs have been used, as is, right out the box. Zero ju ju on my part…
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What do I think?

100% not true. There are amazingly accurate barrels and there are turds and there are the majority which fall in an average somewhere in the middle. I have had guns that no projectile would ever shoot good and firmly believe there would be no good pellet which would allow that barrel to challenge a more accurate barrel.
I also believe its human nature to take something that works great and make it not so great all trying to make it better. It is not im our nature to leave well enough alone. Lol it can always be better or scrap just my opinion
This should be at the top of the table of contents page in every owners manual.
Time spent behind the glass is key, this is where you learn what it can or can not do. Plinking hunting and target all have a following and it's up to the shooter as to what you want out of it. Some want minute of dead critter and others spot on where the cross hairs lay, one or the other is not wrong or right. It's what makes the one behind the glass happy. Part of the fun for me is working and playing with different things to see what direction it takes me...if it's not right go back.