Acetone - risk or benefit?

I was under the impression this product was the go to for cleaning tar like or gummed adhesive off metal surfaces. A respected friend of mine felt very leary about using acetone for this purpose. They preferred using products like "goo-gone" or similar which can be obtained at Home Depot and what not. This is just for my personal knowledge, and, women use acetone on their fingernails to remove polish. Is acetone pretty much for oil based paint/ tar compounds only, like creosote?
Be careful with acetone because it really dries your skin out, and most disposable gloves are not resistant to acetone. And acetone will eat some plastics.
I really prefer Naptha (like Zippo or Ronsol lighter fluid) for cleaning adhesives as it seems to not flash off as quickly, and the vapors aren't nearly as bad.
Acetone is pretty harsh stuff. About the only thing I use it for is to remove really stubborn tape or sticker residue from metal, and certain plastics. Always do a test spot first as it will attack certain plastics like styrene. It also does a good job of dissolving cyanoacrylate AKA superglue. Handy if you glue your fingers together. Not that that's ever happened to me or anything...:oops:
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Be careful with acetone because it really dries your skin out, and most disposable gloves are not resistant to acetone. And acetone will eat some plastics.
I really prefer Naptha (like Zippo or Ronsol lighter fluid) for cleaning adhesives as it seems to not flash off as quickly, and the vapors aren't nearly as bad.
I also use NAPTHA in the raw form or more frequently Cook stove fuel as in White gas / Coleman fuel. It is mostly Naptha BTW ;)
when you have an unknown substance, you need to remove, you should try the least harmful one first and work your way up to acetone
and plain old rubbing alcohol is my go-to it come in 2 level and yes the lower % has water in it
light fluid could be next even Sea Foam would be a good choice and if needed acetone
and use common sense, if you have any
We used Acetone in the Marines to deep clean the bore of our M-14s before inspections. Melaleuca sells a product called "Sol-u-Mel" which is the absolute best stuff I have ever used to removes gum, tar, paint or other stuff from fine furniture or car finishes. Its base cleaner is Tee tree oil. Very mild to the skin and won't affect the finish from which you are removing the gunk. You can buy it on Amazon.

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