Advice needed on caliber selection

The ballistic coefficient of lead free pellets is terrible. 100 yards would really be a challenge in any caliber. Especially with any kind of wind. What kind of groups are you expecting at that range? If you're just trying to get them all on the paper, you could probably do that. Precision shooting at that range would probably require lead.
The ballistic coefficient of lead free pellets is terrible. 100 yards would really be a challenge in any caliber. Especially with any kind of wind. What kind of groups are you expecting at that range? If you're just trying to get them all on the paper, you could probably do that. Precision shooting at that range would probably require lead.
Agreed. Just trying to get it on paper for now. I'll look for a range near me (in CT).
You are in a tough situation. You might have to adjust your expectations. The idea of getting a pumper is really good since you can keep the power down and not abuse the rifle. Or a British 12 fpe rifle. No way you can shoot 100 yards lead free, but it is easy to move the target closer, like 20 or 25 yards. I use lead in a trap, but use lead free for pesting and have best results with H&N Baracuda Green and Preditor GTO for .22. Just received some .25 but have not tested yet. Good luck with your shooting.
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Makes sense. I should have clarified, I'm planning on splurging a little and will going for a high end PCP - maybe an FX once I see that they have ACTUALLY addresses the low fps issue.
If you are looking to buy a FX get the Maverick its a little cheaper than the M4 and doesn't have the issues. That is why I bought the Maverick, waiting for the bugs to be worked out. I bought mine through UA and had them set it up so when I got it all I had to do was check the zero and sling pellets. I would recommend you call when you order because they will ask you questions that will better help them set the tune you need for the set up you desire. I have not had any issues with my set up and the gun shoots great. I am getting a M3 this week and looking forward to messing around with it. I bought it off of the classifieds here and they just happen to be close so I can drive up shoot it and bring it home!
Lead free pellets are an utter joke, a waste of time which will end in disappointment. Do as others suggest shoot quality lead pellets into a rubber mulch trap and problem solved.
Lead free GTO .25s are some of the most accurate pellets out of some of my rifles. I wouldn't write them off completely but they are expensive.
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I shoot the unleaded pellets in all calibers. 100 yards ain't gonna happen in .177 or .22. Maybe in .25, and only then if your gun happens to like one of the two offerings, Baracuda Green or GTO. One is currently 15 cents a pellet and the other 20 cents.
Why do you need to reach 100 yards to punch paper? If you're dead set on unleaded ammo, shoot within the distance the pellets are still accurate, say 30-40 yards for .177. The pellets are so light you'll get plenty of drop and wind drift to play with. .177 has the most variety of pellets and is the cheapest caliber; three to four cents per pellet is possible. Cheaper yet, shoot BBs at 5-10 yards; you can buy a new cool BB gun for what you'll save on each set of "buy three get one free" tins of unleaded ammo.
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