Advice please looking for compact light weight pcp

I think the key word is compact or how compact? I went with the Vulcan primarily for its size relative to the 25 Wildcat. The Vulcan is nearly an oversized pistol that is powerful and highly accurate. 

Wanted to add that I own an FX (not Wildcat) and they make a high quality well engineered airgun and would have no hesitation going with FX. My decision again was wanting a very compact 25.
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The wood looks nothing like what is advertised on Wildwest or Talon Tunes website. It is a beautiful gun on their web-picture but what I have been seeing on several posts looks more like the marauder wood stock. It sound like the gun really shoots well but I have to say I am disappointed that there is such a discrepancy between the advertised wood and what is actually delivered. If I would have been one of the first to get one I probably would have been quite upset! This discrepency has made me not trust this company. I haven't read any complaints but I will sit this gun out for the moment. It would be like Air Arms known for their great wood stock, and then one day put the cheapest thing they can find and still charge the same price. The gun still shoots the same but………
Just my thoughts. 
Guess I see a case for misrepresentation of an exotic wood stock looking at the initial display photos. By the time I ordered mine, already saw many actual pictures so my expectations were already set lower. While not exotic, mine is no pine wood derby car either

Personally Prefer a field grade stock as not to feel like it ought to be hung above a fireplace instead of enjoyed for its purpose. Used to shoot competition trap and after years, custom ordered a Krieghoff K80 with an upgraded stock. It was beautiful and was not a hanger but served me well with 1000's of trap loads but yes...cried ever time a new scratch and nick.
Thanks for posting that photo. I would agree, not exotic but very nice wood and finish (and acceptable). It certainly looks better than some of the photos I have seen. The other photos may have just been a bad picture and why more people have not complained about the stock. Stil, I wonder if they plan on having a synthetic version. It may increase the gun's following and possible make the gun even lighter. 
"NoMan"I would be all over the Vulcan if they came with nicer wood on them.
The wood I got on mine looks awesome its got wood grain and every thing. Im no expert but I think it looks great. Maybe I just got a good one?
Can you post a picture? Here's the wood that came with my $650 Air Arms TX200HC. I would expect no less on a $1600 rifle.

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If you like it that's all that matters. I myself will not buy a gun without seeing a picture of the exact gun I am buying. Most dealers will send you a picture if you ask. I'm just not willing to go pot luck on the wood on a $1600 air rifle but those who are, are getting some of the guns I would not want. How is your gun regarding ping?
I understand what you mean don't blame you.
The ping of mine when I first got it wasnt bad. Then about a tin of pellets after that the sound got really long and was nothing you could ignore then a tin after that it pretty much completely stopped. When it finally stopped I thought for sure there was something wrong that's how much of a difference there was but nothing wrong with it, now its better than its ever been.