I have to admit the new regulated challenger pro has me curious and I am by no means a aea fan or any Chinese made rifle because the 30 cal hp max I had was total garbage and made me a aea hater.. maybe someday I’ll get a challenger pro to try out
Can you post an instruction to polish the AEA Challenger 357 and the Varmint? I got both of those and the trigger is 10 lbs on challenger an 5lbs on the varmint
Found a pic I took when I did mine. This is for a HP Carbine. Hammer and sear may look different but contact areas are obvious if you look close at how it works. Others may chip in with more specific info. The hammer, sear, trigger, though somewhat different on my rifles are similar. If after changing springs the rifle will not recock when fired it could be either spring but trigger has to have enough spring tension to toggle by sear to recock. Change back to OEM one spring at a time to find the culprit. If rifle goes full auto put sear OEM spring back in. Use moly grease or Krytox to lube. Krytox works better in cold weather. Do not use Krytox and oil based lubes together. You have to pull the trigger guard to get at the parts. Make sure its not cocked.
Trigger is on left of spring Polish top rear side of trigger
Hammer is left of spring at top Polish the ring all way around that is at an angle.
Sear is right of spring Polish left side of hump located at left bottom of sear in Pic.
Polish top side of sear just right of hole Polish guide rod far right
I would not clip OEM springs go to ace hardware and buy similar springs to experiment with. Find springs that have slightly less tension.