AEA AEA Element .25 cal

Hello, very new to pcp rifles and just got my self a AEA Element and am curious of things I should know as I start using it.

Looking at the barrel it seems that it isn't a full length barrel so is it kind of a built in suppressor at the end?
Are there any upgrades I should try getting for it?
Can I shoot slugs using this rifle or am I best sticking to pellets?
Whats a good pellet or slug brand to start testing and getting a scope on it and sight it in?
Should I upgrade the tube to a larger capacity or should I stick with the 200CC tube I think is what it has on it?
I already adjust the collapsable stock so it doesn't rattle.

Any info would be greatly appreciated looking forward to getting into these a lot as I have been shooting guns for most of my life and this is a new rabbit hole to go down!
AEA Element - www.aeaairguns.jpg

I pulled off the outer tube of the barrel and indeed it does have Baffles on the inside that act as a Suppressor. I also found the Break down diagram of the entire air rifle. There are 7 Baffles on the inside with a couple crush washer to keep them in place and a spacer so I could possible add 1 more but that most likely wouldn't help with the noise level. (Baffles are #6, Crush washer #7, Spacer #8)

It honestly doesn't actually do very much in reducing sound so I'm hoping to find a way to possibly increase the amount of baffles or how to mount a better moderator on to it. I may be able to remove the baffles out of the front and screw a small enough moderator on to where the out barrel alignment piece is. (Part #9) So if I could find one small enought to slide inside the barrel guard/integrated moderator, then that should work.

Or I would have to replace the entire barrel guard/Integrated suppressor for a new one but that would be very expensive or difficult to make.

I will have more time tonight to take it a part a bit more and see what else I can see.

If you have any ideas or suggestions or questions just ask! Love to try things and customize

Sorry for not having the baffles taken out as I did not want to lose them as I didn't have time to put everything back together.
AEA_Element_v1_1.2x20_Adapter_A85_02_1.00 (1).jpg

Little update, I did find an adapter that goes from the barrel guard to a 1/2X20 thread.

Adding a moderator should be quite simple thankfully!

Now just about the rest
Are there any upgrades I should try getting for it?
Can I shoot slugs using this rifle or am I best sticking to pellets?
Whats a good pellet or slug brand to start testing and getting a scope on it and sight it in?
Should I upgrade the tube to a larger capacity or should I stick with the 200CC tube I think is what it has on it?

Let me know if you have and ideas!