so in the future i would like to get something compact with a lot of power. something from 35-45 cal. a few options i thought of were the bintac m50, bintac t9, or aea hp max with the 10 inch barrel. if anyone has any other suggestions im open to hearing them. like i said trying to keep a...
One of many threads on AEA quality and safety. Do a search and read the results.
You obviously haven't used the search function as there wouldn't be a need to even ask that question, or do a google search for related issues or opinions.. I wouldn't buy a AEA gun just from reading all the threads.
Companies evolve and different models may have wildly different levels of dependability.
I haven't owned an AEA airgun in awhile. I owned 5 of them in different models over several years. Power and relatively compact, great semiauto when it worked.
3 of those eventually stopped working for various reasons. Two of them worked well until I sold them. One of the ones I sold broke shortly afterward and the new buyer blamed me for the problem as though I might have intentionally sold him a defective item.
That was the end of AEA for me personally. All of those new AEA offerings coming out from BinTac look quite interesting. At least we have YouTube reviewers who test these models and report many of the initial problems to help people understand what they are getting into.