Air Venturi AEAC is decoding the Avenge-X in .22 caliber!

Thanks thinking of shooting out the 18,s and going with the 25's going forward then maybe pushing speed up to 850 - 880
Here is the chrony results of the 25 grain

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Shot some JSB Monster Deep skirt (25.39gr) out of my Avenge-x .22 the other day. Here is a image of my target at 50 yards. Each one was shot 5 times.

Settings: 2500psi, HS +7.5, TP set to high.
Average FPS: 881
SD: 2.35
Extreme spread: 8

Getting about 40 shots on the reg. Edit: Forgot to note I have a carbon fiber bottle so you may have less shots with a tube.

JSB Monster Deep 22.jpg

I've had some really good luck with the JSB RS pellets at around 780fps. Seems like they would be really good for ratting around places you don't want to do damage. Only doing about 18fpe at the muzzle. I don't have any pictures of my targets with those but I'll say I took them out to 60 yards and they were doing good, although I had a lot of wind hold at that range.
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Steve has been updating his IG account with daily findings. Figured I'd share the "Cliff Notes" here for you to enjoy.

Field Report - Last week's field work told me that 930 fps is "the number" for 25.4gr JSB Monster Redesigns Pellets in 5-8 winds. 915-920 works well too (and picks ya up some efficiency) but doesn't like winds past 3-4."

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Whose excited about Steve reviewing the .22 caliber Avenge-X? And what are you experiences with the .22 caliber?
Yokozona moderetor , I have one , works great.
Well, mine is still giving fouling/flyer problems... a lot.
Steve's having success at 930 fps, mine totally maxes out at 895....
I'm now trying to get in touch with a dude on the dutch airgun forum, who has polished his barrel and chamber, and crowned the barrel as well.
He also slightly enlarged the TP, and is now shooting at greater speeds with less pressure...
Oh, and a friend of mine is printing me some spacers to stiffen up the barrel as well.

Does anyone know when the barrelkits are going to be available?
My path has been similar.

The .22 barrel has been a real challenge for me to get the performance out of whereas the .25 was effortless by comparison. I too had to warranty out a .22 barrel because of an extra course feeling inside when I pulled patches through. That barrel leaded up really bad and instantly, and I was getting terrible corkscrewing (1 foot groups at 100 yds and 2" groups at 50 yards... a 4/5 at 50 gun if ya know what I mean) with the 25.4 Redesigns seemingly no matter what speed I ran them at... and I clean-ran them with a balanced tune at a LOT of different speeds. I spent 3 hard weeks on it before I threw in the towel and finally cried warranty, lol.


Really appreciate the work you do and stating this part. It's is definitely frustrating for many of us who spend all our extra time and money to do just about everything possible with the factory offering just to find out the one Barrel was a dud, then to have to start the whole process again. 😭

Check the transfer port in the barrel. The transfer port in my liberty which uses the same barrel as the avenger but not the avenger X had burrs around it which damaged the pellet when loading. The lead is also crap and needs to be smoothed out.
I'm pretty sure the liberty and freedom barrel is thicker. Donny fl avenger moderator adapter won't fit the liberty barrels.
Efficiency is good

This is all a good share, thanks. My path has been similar.

The .22 barrel has been a real challenge for me to get the performance out of whereas the .25 was effortless by comparison. I too had to warranty out a .22 barrel because of an extra course feeling inside when I pulled patches through. That barrel leaded up really bad and instantly, and I was getting terrible corkscrewing (1 foot groups at 100 yds and 2" groups at 50 yards... a 4/5 at 50 gun if ya know what I mean) with the 25.4 Redesigns seemingly no matter what speed I ran them at... and I clean-ran them with a balanced tune at a LOT of different speeds. I spent 3 hard weeks on it before I threw in the towel and finally cried warranty, lol.

I'm happy to report that my replacement .22 barrel is smooth inside, doesn't hold much lead at all (similar to my .25 barrel) and shoots as it should. It's still really fussy with the 25.4 Redesigns though. The problem is the wind and I think the pellets too to a degree. I was able to stabilize the 25.4 at 100 yards (no corkscrew) at 905 fps, 920 fps, and 930 fps and shoot 10 shot groups reliably at 1.5 inches as long as there was really light wind, like 1-2 mph. And then other times, occasionally shoot MOA at 100 in 5-8 mph winds. Then that accuracy would disappear on me. Pellets? I have to assume some of the issue is pellets and some is that the rifling on the .22 barrels cuts deep into the pellet and grabs the wind. At 50 yards though, I can force the 25.4 to run reliably in 8-10 mph winds by pushing it 930 fps. They kick and scream a bit on the way there but they'll always group at sub .50" for me.

I got frustrated with all of the above and last week, began playing with the 18.1gr at 100 yards in a 3-4 mph wind. She put 10 shots in a smeared 2" group lol. 860-870 fps ran rock-solid-stable all the way to 100 in heavy wind... but they moved sideways quite a bit of course. Go figure.

Now, I'm on to filming slugs. At 100 yards and with a Max power tune, the gun likes the FX Hybrids, the JSB .216 Knockouts, the NSA 23gr, and the Zan 23 and 28gr. Wind that day was like 15-25 mph so I abandoned efforts and will try again tomorrow (Friday).

On the trigger, I just yanked all the spacers and it's been running great that way for all of the .25 Ultimate Tuning Guide video (months and thousands of pellets) and for all of the .22 review (4 weeks so far and tons of shooting).

Hey Steve I have a quick question for you about the washers on the trigger group. Is there a c-clip on the screw inside of the trigger housing? Can it just be completely unscrewed to remove the washers ? Thanks for all you do sir.
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