AEAC Video - Ataman Regulated PCP Pistol - Pics and Discussion!!!

I just purchased an Ataman AP16 standard size a few months ago, wish they would have had the custom builder back then. I added the DonnyFL adapter and Tanto silencer, that helped as the airgun is loud without one. I also put a red dot sight on the rail and a Hogue wrap around grip on the handle. I love shooting this handgun and I will admit, I have never been a good handgun shooter. I am learning some good fundamentals shooting this AP16 and hopefully that will help me with my powder burners.

I try and shoot the AP16 every day for an hour, it is so easy to fill, about every three magazines. I am shooting 1" to 1.5" groups at 25 yards and I know that is because of me, the gun will do much better. The side lever cocking is solid and consistent every cycle. The feel of the gun is great, you can tell when shooting, that this is a solid and well made handgun.

I am new to the airgun world, I have been shooting a custom built FX Crown for about 4 months now and I am loving it. I have a custom FX Impact being built and should be receiving it by the end of the month.

I just wanted to say hello to Airgun Nation and let people know the Ataman AP16 is well worth the money, $1000.00.

Have a great day,

I got mine a couple years ago. The all silver model. I moded it as soon as I got it, like I always I love it's compact design. It's loud, but I don't have to worry about that in my forest home.

I purchased a walnut grip and had it custom checkered. Changed out the airtube & lever's color. And added some high end fiber optic PB sights.

Fun pistol, shooting .22 JSB 13.4 domes @ 620fps for 5 mags...35 shots.

Ataman AP1601.1617372027.jpg

Ataman AP1602.1617372129.jpg

Ataman AP160101.1617372396.jpg

I enjoyed my Standard 8" Black AP-16 so much I decided to use the Pyramyd Air "Pistol Custom Builder" and build me a 6" version. I have been shooting both for about 6 months using the Hades .22 Cal 15.89 pellets, Holosun 507C Red/Green Dot sight and a Huggett moderator.

They shoot very accurate, the 8" will shoot .75" groups and the 6" will shoot .85" groups at 25 yards. I am sure they will do better as I develop better pistol shooting habits. Shooting these PCP pistols has made me a better shoot with my powder burners too.

I can shoot the Ataman AP-16 any day of the week in my back yard as the Huggett moderator keeps the sound level down. I get about 3 magazines from the 6" tank fill and about 4 magazines from the 8" tank fill.

I would recommend the Ataman AP-16 to anyone that likes to shoot pistols and wants to get better at their skill level.


