The regulator is in the pistol, not the removable air cylinder. It’s adjustable through a small hex screw in the air inlet when you take the cylinder off. From watching the cylinder gauge I can estimate you can set it up to around 150 bar. The stock hammer spring is too strong to lower it much past stock power, you need to remove 2 to 3 coils to lower power down and raise shot count. IIRC I was able to get 6 full mags with power set to 500 FPS with 15.9 .22 pellets.
note : the gun will degas itself around 100ish bar with the pressure the spring puts on the valve.
I am amazed how many haven't heard of this pistol before. It's definitely been around for a while, but it feels like Steve just blew new life into the product.
Awesome pistol!, Great accuracy. Can't wait to get one.
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