That's a great post! Thanks!
I am new to airguns. I recently acquired my first airgun (AA Ultimate sporter.177 12FPE) and first scope (Hawke 4-16 FFP). Then immediately jumped to the process of finding the right pellet for my gun. I started shooting five shot groups in the indoor range at a distance from 30-50 yards. After few sessions, I began to get consistent groups which could totally be covered (edge to edge) with 18mm coin at 50 yards, sometimes even smaller. The scope was alright, but it was heavy, and I was shooting at highest mag all the time. At the highest mag, the picture was not possible to focus perfectly no matter how much I play with the sidewheel and the picture was kind of milky/washout as well. I convinced myself I needed a better scope and decided to but Delta 4.5-14FFP even though I was actually looking for a higher mag scope. The fact that it was the only scope in that price range combining, a good glass, lightweight FFP scope. I had one session with the scope shooting groups at 50 yards. Again, at the highest mag, the picture was terrific compared to Hawke, it was totally clear and no sign of milkiness or anything else. However, at the highest mag, the middle cross covered all of my aiming point at 50 yards (which was about 6mm diameter). As a result, some of the groups got bigger. Only 6-7 of my groups out of ten was able to be covered by 18mm coin whereas before it was 7-9 with Hawke. I hope my performance gets better with more use of the scope... If not I might consider a March treatment to my airgun. I was seriously considering delta stryker FFP instead since it cost less than half of similar March and I would not mind 25 yards (actually meter) parallax, but the weight is an issue. Perhaps it does not make a difference with the shooting I am doing now (target shooting from a half decent bench rest), but I want to have one scope to do it all and able to use it on other guns as well.