N/A Affordable .22 slug gun

I just went through my slug exploration phase, I have one instance where slugs out perform and make more sense to pellets. My notos, It shoots 17gr LDC slugs better than any other projectile. Period. However, in all the other guns, in all my usage, pellets are superior in EVERYTHING, but long range. If you're not having to hit something larger than a squirrel at 100-125y which, in my case is maybe 1 out of 75 shots ... A heavy pellet and a good tune makes more economical sense, both In money and air, barrel fouling, accuracy, and convenience. Pellets work. Squirrel, any bird pigeon or smaller.. they are gonna die at any reasonable range you can shoot above 8fpe.
Well,I bought.a Reximex meta and hammer .177 slugs with it. I polished the barrel and now dont have any fliers with 10.3 grain, but mever had flyers with 13g, both jsb KOs. It was under the $500 mark used. Benjamin gunnar could prob do it, one on ebay at a good price. Snowpeak as mentioned, used as well. Slugs for the Meta outperform pellets in .177 everywhere. Some of my highend stuff, still only want pellets under 50yds. With all it is always a bit of trial and error. Research is the key. Search on the subject within the forum.
The zelos is what you're looking for. Ypu won't get a good shot count though. I can shoot 28gr Zans at 174yds and consistenty hit an upright coke can. Not sure the speed but 25gr Apolos were going 850fps with the reg at 2050. You can increase the reg to about 2400 and get 25gr slugs moving about 905fps-915fps
The Barra 250z, it's long, so if that's an issue the Zelos.

And for everybody that keeps chirping in that it's a SPA M30c, know that the M30c does not use 7075 aluminum for the air cylinder, the 250z does. Barra spec'd it that way on purpose. With an unchoked 27" 1in18" twist barrel, and the ability to turn it up easily, it's a contender. I just ordered one today in .22, so stay tuned.
The Barra 250z, it's long, so if that's an issue the Zelos.

And for everybody that keeps chirping in that it's a SPA M30c, know that the M30c does not use 7075 aluminum for the air cylinder, the 250z does. Barra spec'd it that way on purpose. With an unchoked 27" 1in18" twist barrel, and the ability to turn it up easily, it's a contender. I just ordered one today in .22, so stay tuned.
So far what I've seen with that barra 250z makes me want one. If I hear reports from people who aren't influencers/tubers of equal performance im gonna buy one.
Head shot at 100+ yards with a pellet a "prey animal" is just as dead as if hit with a slug. What discipline are you most interested in, Hunting, Benchrest, FT? THAT would help determine whether or not to dive down the slug rabbit hole too. Don't get caught up in the slug hype before making other important decisions.
a good pellet is just as good as a slug within 50yrds and sometimes farther if the barrel is friendly.
Head shot at 100+ yards with a pellet a "prey animal" is just as dead as if hit with a slug. What discipline are you most interested in, Hunting, Benchrest, FT? THAT would help determine whether or not to dive down the slug rabbit hole too. Don't get caught up in the slug hype before making other important decisions.

At 120yards it's like taking a slightly upgraded notos out and pressing it against a squirrels head. This is a very average AEA 25.39 .25 tune. These are real lab radar confirmed numbers. Just trying to show what these guys are saying in perspective. In my gun with slugs 5gr heavier at 8more fpe you'll have about 14FT lbs more at 120y.. it'll also cost 2x the air. And 2.5x the money. 350 25.39s 17.99, 360 slug HP 30. $42&45.
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At 120yards it's like taking a slightly upgraded notos out and pressing it against a squirrels head. This is a very average AEA 25.39 .25 tune. These are real lab radar confirmed numbers. Just trying to show what these guys are saying in perspective. In my gun with slugs 5gr heavier at 8more fpe you'll have about 14FT lbs more at 120y.. it'll also cost 2x the air. And 2.5x the money. 350 25.39s 17.99, 360 slug HP 30. $42&45.
I appreciate posts like this that put out the numbers when they really matter. Such as, when you are just wastefully shooting cans in full auto mode. However, at least for me, priorty one is that extra 14fpe at 120y, especially when we are not talking a lot of energy to begin with. The price of failure is pretty high too!
Many, while far from all, of the Turkish made guns run semi tight rifling twist, which is what slug guns thrive on.

If there´s one brand that truly is garbage out of the box it´s the early Turkish made Aselkons.



That there is an Aselkon MX-10 that got a decent sized plenum tossed at it, and the rest of it was basically scratch built to work as intended - by me.
Mags on these units are roomy to say the least and in turn the barrels are on a 1:15 twist in 22cal.
All said that POS Aselkon toss 40 grain H&Ns like an absolute laser at approx 135J.

So i´d say that if you´re willing to invest what it takes.. many of the Turkish made brands run them specific numbers. In fact, got a Rex Daystar in 22cal, and them run rather tight chokes actually, that toss 25,4 JSB Knockouts in 218" flavor like were they going out of style @ 1050-1060 or there abouts. That unit is basically stock as far as barrel, probe and so on.
My point is, check the rifling twist and choking action of any given barrel and take it from there. Even the old Korean stuff can be made to toss slugs hardcore.
The Barra 250z might be right up your alley. Not entirely sure how well it shoots slugs, but it looks like a winner for those who seek a good budget PCP.
The .25 shot them really well on the shooting gear reviews YT channel. Need more successful examples though. The barra will probably be hit and miss with QC. Doubt all will come out of the box shooting like his.
The .25 shot them really well on the shooting gear reviews YT channel. Need more successful examples though. The barra will probably be hit and miss with QC. Doubt all will come out of the box shooting like his.
I saw that video. It grouped the JSB heavy mk2s incredibly well.
The .25 shot them really well on the shooting gear reviews YT channel. Need more successful examples though. The barra will probably be hit and miss with QC. Doubt all will come out of the box shooting like his.
It definately could be hit or miss on the QC, and that applies to all of the budget airguns. This really should not scare anybody off, but should just harden you to the truth, these are not tier one guns, but they can certainly be improved to near that level and be relatively trouble free if you are willing to do one thing. Take the gun completely apart, inspect, deburr, and change every oring. I am not joking. It works, takes only a few hours, and once done, your service interval will be the same as for any other high end airgun.

I will now relate some heresay from me, admittingly, so take it for what it's worth. When I first got my P15, I did what I just said. As I started to take it apart I was completely stunned that every screw in the gun was loose, everywhere! I posted about this at the time, and others said the same thing. Here comes the conjecture; I believe the workers were told that if screws were stripped, they'd be fired. What else could it be? This was systemic, everything was not tightened down, it wasn't a fluke, and I was not the only one to receive one in this condition. I haven't noticed any stories like this for a while now, so they obviously upped their game, but it did happen, and still can.

Barra adds another element to the QC process, and they spec'd the gun a little differently than the M30c so that should help too.
I appreciate posts like this that put out the numbers when they really matter. Such as, when you are just wastefully shooting cans in full auto mode. However, at least for me, priorty one is that extra 14fpe at 120y, especially when we are not talking a lot of energy to begin with. The price of failure is pretty high too!

Side by side.

44fpe pellet at 887

44fpe 30gr slug @817

Actual Dreamtac hunting slug tune for HN hp30
Hey SpookyGhost, I think this has gone sideways. I get what your saying, and know how to check all of the ballsitic soluttions out. I am not disagreeing with your numbers but I've lost track of your point. My point is just that with my P15 (49fpe) .25 shooting 34gr MkII, I get 65y for 35fpe(my low power limit), same gun same power 28gr Zan does 35 fpe out to 105y, with half the drift. I guess it could depend on the gun and how adjustable it is, for what you chose to shoot. Still, throw in any wind, for some long range fun (not hunting) and slugs really rule. Even my .177 Vectis can shoot .75" at 75y with NSA 12.5gr slugs, with half the drift. You find the right slug, they're worth it, at least it to me. My only other comment was that with everrything else I have into this sport, the price of slugs that do what I want compared to pellets that can't, are a none issue. That's all.
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