N/A Affordable .22 slug gun

Hey SpookyGhost, I think this has gone sideways. I get what your saying, and know how to check all of the ballsitic soluttions out. I am not disagreeing with your numbers but I've lost track of your point. My point is just that with my P15 (49fpe) .25 shooting 34gr MkII, I get 65y for 35fpe(my low power limit), same gun same power 28gr Zan does 35 fpe out to 105y, with half the drift. I guess it could depend on the gun and how adjustable it is, for what you chose to shoot. Still, throw in any wind, for some long range fun (not hunting) and slugs really rule. Even my .177 Vectis can shoot .75" at 75y with NSA 12.5gr slugs, with half the drift. You find the right slug, they're worth it, at least it to me. My only other comment was that with everrything else I have into this sport, the price of slugs that do what I want compared to pellets that can't, are a none issue. That's all.
No point. Just showing numbers for dude asking. Replying on phone, I guess I hit respond to you when I was scrolling up and down. I don't know this came as a refutation. I stated I like and use both. Just showing numbers
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No point. Just showing numbers for dude asking. Replying on phone, I guess I hit respond to you when I was scrolling up and down. I don't know this came as a refutation. I stated I like and use both. Just showing numbers
No problem, and thanks! I am constantly running numbers myself, it's addictive.
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No problem, and thanks! I am constantly running numbers myself, it's addictive.
Ive found in .22 superior barrels. Every single person I've had who's tried them. 218 Griffin LDC slugs outshoot pellets. In 17-30fpe range the advantages slugs do have really shine vs 15.9-18.13 pellets. At 150y the slugs are still over the 18.1 pellets 25y velocity. Amazing. However in heavier calibers the 34gr mk2s performs incredibly well. With slug a and superior slug 1:16s. The 34gr mk2 is fantastic. The slug liner is just fantastic with .250 H&N and Zan slugs. Pellet accurate, but, unless you have a real powerhouse gun you're not really getting a massive boost. The added friction on the slug puts 30gr slugs on velocity parity with 34gr pellets. IN MY guns.
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Oh. And I manually tuned those tables in the element app. This week used a lab radar and got a better BC in aea and JSB than listed in the preloaded solutions. At 887 aea pulled a .041997. and 890 JSB/FX 25.4s did .038111 vs the pre loaded ".036". JSB/FX mk2 heavy gave me close to preloaded of .054 they did. .055667

.099001 on H&N 30 HP1 .250, .096333 for .250 zan 30 original, and new ZAN .250 30 did .093902
The reason I am getting an affordable.22 slug gun, is that I don't have one, and if I should want to go squirrel hunting, my State requires .22. Also, a smaller piece of lead flying off to wherever. I love .25 the most though. If I had to chose just one thing to shoot out of an airgun it would be a 33.95gr JSB MkII. The best combination of everything to me.
Many, while far from all, of the Turkish made guns run semi tight rifling twist, which is what slug guns thrive on.

If there´s one brand that truly is garbage out of the box it´s the early Turkish made Aselkons.



That there is an Aselkon MX-10 that got a decent sized plenum tossed at it, and the rest of it was basically scratch built to work as intended - by me.
Mags on these units are roomy to say the least and in turn the barrels are on a 1:15 twist in 22cal.
All said that POS Aselkon toss 40 grain H&Ns like an absolute laser at approx 135J.

So i´d say that if you´re willing to invest what it takes.. many of the Turkish made brands run them specific numbers. In fact, got a Rex Daystar in 22cal, and them run rather tight chokes actually, that toss 25,4 JSB Knockouts in 218" flavor like were they going out of style @ 1050-1060 or there abouts. That unit is basically stock as far as barrel, probe and so on.
My point is, check the rifling twist and choking action of any given barrel and take it from there. Even the old Korean stuff can be made to toss slugs hardcore.
I just wanted to say that the wood on that stock looks fantastic!
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The zelos is what you're looking for. Ypu won't get a good shot count though. I can shoot 28gr Zans at 174yds and consistenty hit an upright coke can. Not sure the speed but 25gr Apolos were going 850fps with the reg at 2050. You can increase the reg to about 2400 and get 25gr slugs moving about 905fps-915fps

But you can get a great shot count with a bottle!

Way off topic. But, with your gk1 what kinda shot count can be expected shooting 17-21gr stuff at 26-30 FPE from 310-180bar. What Mod and how effective is it at quieting the bark im assuming is pretty substantial?
From a 350b fill shooting 15.89gr FX at 815fps (start velocity) I would get about 60 shots form 350b to 130b, shooting 21.9gr AEA at 900fps 40fps from a 350b to 130b I would get about 1.5 mags, and shooting 18gr FX pellets at 900fps I would get about 2 mags and change fromna 350b fill to 130b. I remember shooting VK .223 28.5gr around 770fps which I think is about 28fpe and I would get about a mag and a few shots. Shooting slugs out of the platform will use more air due to the extra surface contact.
The .22. It's getting listed Sunday.
Sweeeet! What kind of figures are you getting from that set up?
From a 350b fill shooting 15.89gr FX at 815fps (start velocity) I would get about 60 shots form 350b to 130b, shooting 21.9gr AEA at 900fps 40fps from a 350b to 130b I would get about 1.5 mags, and shooting 18gr FX pellets at 900fps I would get about 2 mags and change fromna 350b fill to 130b. I remember shooting VK .223 28.5gr around 770fps which I think is about 28fpe and I would get about a mag and a few shots. Shooting slugs out of the platform will use more air due to the extra surface contact.

Sweeeet! What kind of figures are you getting from that set up?
19 shots from a platform that tiny is totally acceptable for that type of energy. I'm wanting to either shoot 18.3 or 22gr pellets at 850-890 or 17gr slugs at 855-875. I just got permission from the owner of a large plaza shopping center to start chipping away at his MASSIVE pigeon/house sparrow/rat problems before and after business hours. I intent to shoot from my vehicle... I don't want noise having some nosey Nancy calling the cops reporting an active shooter.. I think a moderated gk1 would thrive here. Ill have my smallest 12v compressor in the car..
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19 shots from a platform that tiny is totally acceptable for that type of energy. I'm wanting to either shoot 18.3 or 22gr pellets at 850-890 or 17gr slugs at 855-875. I just got permission from the owner of a large plaza shopping center to start chipping away at his MASSIVE pigeon/house sparrow/rat problems before and after business hours. I intent to shoot from my vehicle... I don't want noise having some nosey Nancy calling the cops reporting an active shooter.. I think a moderated gk1 would thrive here. Ill have my smallest 12v compressor in the car..
The best pellets for me have been 21.9gr AEA pellets, the .219 heads and .224 size skirts are perfect. Head shots on iguanas at 70yds were relatively easy for this gun

From a 350b fill shooting 15.89gr FX at 815fps (start velocity) I would get about 60 shots form 350b to 130b, shooting 21.9gr AEA at 900fps 40fps from a 350b to 130b I would get about 1.5 mags, and shooting 18gr FX pellets at 900fps I would get about 2 mags and change fromna 350b fill to 130b. I remember shooting VK .223 28.5gr around 770fps which I think is about 28fpe and I would get about a mag and a few shots. Shooting slugs out of the platform will use more air due to the extra surface contact.

Sweeeet! What kind of figures are you getting from that set up?

It's got a balanced tune, I'll get those numbers published soon.