After 3 months - Finally received Leshiy 2 pressure tester and jets, but

After a 3 month wait, today I finally received the Leshiy 2 pressure tester and jets from Edgun West. But because of the situation of having to leave the Leshiy 2 in the USA because of import restrictions back into the Netherlands I am considering selling the gun. Though, I haven’t made a firm decision yet, and this is more a little venting.

Leshiy 2 is in .177 / 350 mm barrel, 4 magazines, 3 holder, extra plates and magnet kit. Scope will be kept.

I would replace the Leshiy 2 with a Leyla 2 or a AGT something in .22 cal. I put the Impact up for sale today.

The Taipan convinced me I love Bullpup designs and there is also a rumor Taipan has something in the works.
@l.leon yes, I was told at the airport I would not be able to bring them back on the plane. Originally though I intended to leave the Taipan in the USA, 25 cal Taipan is a perfect all around gun for most of the hunting pesting I would want to do there. Also, I was told by airport customs I have apply for a import permit with the local police then give it to the customs. Could take up to 8 weeks to get the permit.

The Taipan has always been one of my favorite candidates but its side lever has always pushed me back

I have been very happy with my Taipan Veteran Compact in .22 and for me the lever in the back is not really a big deal in practice. It was a worry for me too before I bought the gun. On the other hand, I didn't appreciate how super useful the anti-double load feature is.
After a 3 month wait, today I finally received the Leshiy 2 pressure tester and jets from Edgun West. But because of the situation of having to leave the Leshiy 2 in the USA because of import restrictions back into the Netherlands I am considering selling the gun. Though, I haven’t made a firm decision yet, and this is more a little venting.

Leshiy 2 is in .177 / 350 mm barrel, 4 magazines, 3 holder, extra plates and magnet kit. Scope will be kept.

I would replace the Leshiy 2 with a Leyla 2 or a AGT something in .22 cal. I put the Impact up for sale today.

The Taipan convinced me I love Bullpup designs and there is also a rumor Taipan has something in the works.
Hey man maybe I could help you out to tune ur gun. It’s a little difficult due the the limits of the .177 pellet/slug but shoot me a private message:)