Aftermarket stock for Benjamin Fortitude?

The standard butt pad on the Fortitude / Maximus is hard plastic and tends to slip/slide. I have used a slip-on style to get my preferred lop.

Any of the Boyd's stocks, inletted for disco will fit the Fortitude. The standard butt pad on them is rubberized.

The lowest cost wood stock, is ordering a Disco one from crosman, but don't know what kind of butt pad it has.

To use an AR style rear stock adapter, such as those made for Prod, need to get the Prod end plug which provides a flater surface. That would be for the screw in style, like the RAI. For ones that replace the rear plug, like JSAR, then no need to get it.

I have two Tapco Intrafuse Tactical stocks for a Ruger 10/22 Rimfire Rifles. I have looked at these stocks a few times, to see how much Modification would be involved to make it work. The 10/22 stock mounting bolt hole does Not line up, with the Fortitude, that would be Mod one, and the Gauge area would need to be opened up very little to make it fit that would be Mod #2. From there I would have to fit it to the stock once I get past those two mods. I do like the adjustable stock length of pull, and being able to get the rifle back and in closer to my Body, to really tuck the weight back and in closer to me, and it would still be fairly light weight. I also have a RAI for my Prod, which I am Not using that may be another way to go to get the adjustable LOP.

Does anyone know of a true pistol grip tactical style stock for the Discovery, Maximus or Fortitude platform. With as popular as the platform is I’m surprised at the lack of aftermarket stock selection.
Hey man I’m actually doing this exact project putting fortitude back together that’s been in pieces for almost 10 years but anyways. What I’m doing to achieve this is using a 1300 1701 grip frame in place of the oem trigger assembly, the holes are in the same areas and will mount no problem only thing you’ll need to do is turn down ur stock lug to clear the grip Frame trigger guard or use a different screw with Same thread pitch but I’m using the stock lug so I can use part of the stock to cover and protect that air tube and gauge. Next you can either scoop a discovery ar buffer tube adapter or do what I’m doing and get a prod tube end plug and use a adapter made by toymaker on eBay for the prod which seems to put less stress on the screws for the breech and rear grip screw then the RAI or JSAR adapters since it uses both sides of the grip frame as load points. Buy a buffer tube and ar stock and ur ready to rumble!!!! Hope this helps and that I’m not five years late to the party😂😂😂😂
P.s. if I you use prod end cap for fortitude make sure it’s for gen2 prof if it’s for Maximus or discovery, gen1, gen 1 prod end caps only have 1 breech screw hole where as gen2 has 2 breech screw holes. Happy Shooting!!!!
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Hey man I’m actually doing this exact project putting fortitude back together that’s been in pieces for almost 10 years but anyways. What I’m doing to achieve this is using a 1300 1701 grip frame in place of the oem trigger assembly, the holes are in the same areas and will mount no problem only thing you’ll need to do is turn down ur stock lug to clear the grip Frame trigger guard or use a different screw with Same thread pitch but I’m using the stock lug so I can use part of the stock to cover and protect that air tube and gauge. Next you can either scoop a discovery ar buffer tube adapter or do what I’m doing and get a prod tube end plug and use a adapter made by toymaker on eBay for the prod which seems to put less stress on the screws for the breech and rear grip screw then the RAI or JSAR adapters since it uses both sides of the grip frame as load points. Buy a buffer tube and ar stock and ur ready to rumble!!!! Hope this helps and that I’m not five years late to the party😂😂😂😂
P.s. if I you use prod end cap for fortitude make sure it’s for gen2 prof if it’s for Maximus or discovery, gen1, gen 1 prod end caps only have 1 breech screw hole where as gen2 has 2 breech screw holes. Happy Shooting!!!!
Hi. I built a Maximus with a prod trigger group, Buck Rail stock adapter,ar stock and tube. Balance was too forward to be comfortable offhand shooting. Currently just put a Maximus on a Terex chassis Feels more balanced and more solid. Weather has been too cold to do any shooting to decide if I like it. A Fortitude doesn’t fit the chassis without modification.

Hey man I’m actually doing this exact project putting fortitude back together that’s been in pieces for almost 10 years but anyways. What I’m doing to achieve this is using a 1300 1701 grip frame in place of the oem trigger assembly, the holes are in the same areas and will mount no problem only thing you’ll need to do is turn down ur stock lug to clear the grip Frame trigger guard or use a different screw with Same thread pitch but I’m using the stock lug so I can use part of the stock to cover and protect that air tube and gauge. Next you can either scoop a discovery ar buffer tube adapter or do what I’m doing and get a prod tube end plug and use a adapter made by toymaker on eBay for the prod which seems to put less stress on the screws for the breech and rear grip screw then the RAI or JSAR adapters since it uses both sides of the grip frame as load points. Buy a buffer tube and ar stock and ur ready to rumble!!!! Hope this helps and that I’m not five years late to the party😂😂😂😂
P.s. if I you use prod end cap for fortitude make sure it’s for gen2 prof if it’s for Maximus or discovery, gen1, gen 1 prod end caps only have 1 breech screw hole where as gen2 has 2 breech screw holes. Happy Shooting!!!!
My Fortitude in a Boyds.
