Well guys i will add a comment or 2 on the Caiman X
As some of you saw i listed the one i bought for my wife , trying to find a bullpup she will accept, she rejected this one as she has several other attempts so my 1st reaction was to pass it on at Very good sale price...
The few days i had it listed it was driving me nuts that I never gave the gun a fair shake in my hands, i literally took it out of the box , cleaned the barrel sighted it in , and she shot maybe 2 mags through it and i shot a couple of mags all using 18.13's .... that was that and back in the case it went....
Well after some deliberation i took it off the market and decided to actually spend some with the gun . i have spent the better part of 2 days now playing with it with a couple of pellets at various speeds across the chrony .
Out of the box with the 18.13's it was shooting 910-920 for the 1st 40 ish shots from a 300 bar fill , there was the occasional higher/lower but for the most part through those 40 it was pretty damn consistent, then i started to see the gradual, i mean gradual, fall off across the chrony.
So i filled it back to 300 loaded up some mags with the 18.13's and went to the targets, @ 45 yds it was pretty much lights out , hole in hole 3/8" groups right along the same shot count numbers ( 40ish ) .
Now the interesting part was for next 30 or so shots i did notice the " fall off " , again this was at 45 yds , but the fall off on paper was still sub MOA grouping so now we are at 70 shots plus and still shooting sub MOA , i would say that is More than acceptable ..( i say 70 plus because there were a few mags where i lost count and fired 11 shots ) All of these shots were set back to the factory setting i received the gun in, 910-920 starting point..
Now lets get to the results with the 15.89's
I Dropped the speed down to 870-880 , again with a few high/low but averaging the 880ish on a 300 bar starting point
The shot count before fall off Was higher , getting closer to 60ish , same deal accuracy wise , actually a little tighter through those 1st 60 , then the fall off as before , but still sub Moa up to 90ish shots.. again More than acceptable
Air usage as per above shots in bar
18.13's start @ 300 ended at 170/175
15.89's start @ 300 ended at 180/185
I guess my point in all of this preliminary shooting and tuning is lets NOT get hung up on Steve's comment about the regulator drop off, hell he and Rick ( shooter1721 ) both said its " Nominal " and is going to be damn near un-noticable at 50 and under yardage .. My Very early findings are backing that up
Trust me i have had Much higher priced guns that wish they could shoot as well as this little gun .
I will be shooting a ton more pellets , and some slugs, in a multitude of different weights and speeds through this in the coming weeks so stay tuned...
In closing i want make a statement , for the $1349.00 price of this gun you get a gun that comes in
1) Under 7lbs with AIT to Pic rail adapter and DonnyFL adapter ( no scope or rings ) Walnut stock mind you, not cheap ass plastic
2) CZ Barrel
3) Regulated
4) Great Trigger
5) Reversible cocking handle
6) Adjustable , Rubber Butt Pad ( not a cheap ass plastic one )
So all in all not a bad deal on pretty damn good shooting gun....I will be keeping this one a while as a " fun gun " .. Lol