Air Arms - Memories

Airgun Nation

Staff member
Aug 24, 2020
Colorado, United States
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The more I read about Air Arms, the more I'm convinced that they're goal is create long lasting memories with finely crafted tools. Kindly share your Air Arms memories below *bonus points if you include a picture!
I fondly remember my brand new S510 carbine dumping all of its pressure on the 28th shot. A normal condition for these guns. Problem is with only a shoebox compressor and no tank I couldn’t generate the necessary flow to seat the valve, and yes I tried it cocked as well. I came up with a plan to use a fill hose connected at the other end to my old style Condor fill adapter and used a dime coin in the adapter to trigger the condor bottle valve as it was tightened down. My plan worked perfectly and I enjoyed that 510 for 10 years before selling it for something more high tech.
I was able to scrape enough cash together to buy a lightly used Pro Elite and a Birmingham Webley Tomahawk 25 years ago. Work dried up and I listed them both for sale. The Pro Elite went in a flash. Still have the old Thawk. I had no idea at the time how scarce the Pro Elite rifles would become. Would love to rewind the clock on that decision but I do have a gorgeous walnut TX200HC now. Would love to add a walnut Prosport before they also get impossible to find.
I wanted an S200 since they released them and never bought one while they were in production. I finally made it priority and bought one from a great member here who didn’t even have it listed in the classified. I also have an Avanti Valiant, that I love, but it is not near as nice as the Air Arms S200.

I love Air Arms because they refine their product and don’t try and make it be anything except a pure air rifle.

In 1999 I bought a ProTarget. Won many a FT match with it. Sold it but bought it back a few years later. Bestest target airgun I've ever owned!

Bought a .22 S410 in 2000. Killed many a squirrel and won a few FT matches with it too.

Added two more factory regged .22 S510s, a .177 S500 and a factory regged .22 S500 over the years.

Yep. I'm a fan with too many memories to count!




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