I think the first pellet i ever fired was in my neighbor's 760. Up to that time i'd fired many thoudands of bb's but never had a pellet rifle. When i shot pellets and saw how accurate they were that hooked me on shooting.
When i was a kid my job was to keep pests out of our many gardens. My dad bought me a Daisy 1894, no doubt because i loved the western tv shows, and even with that vastly underpowered rifle, i killed many rabbits ,possums, and the odd gtoundhog. I had to hide, and get close, and get the right angle to shoot through an eye normally. With a bb gun, whew! I had a lot better eyes then, all open sights. I never got a scope for a lot of years later.
It!!s funny to think now, how a kid could figure drop and hold over, things of ballistics. I used to set in the hay field and cut wildflpwers off their stems with a crummy old, neglected Red Ryder bb gun that no doubt had a a 4-5 # trigger.
Funny stuff, those days.