Air Arms would like to know - Do you remember your first air rifle?

When I was about 8 we lived out in the country. One of my cousins lived in town and had (I think) a Daisy model 1894. He got in some trouble with his gun, probably a window involved, so his mom took his gun away and loaned it to me. I shot that gun a bunch. Then when I was 10 we moved. I think the gun went back to him and I got a Daisy designed like a Red Ryder. I still had it until I married and moved out. I have no idea where it went but in 2005 after my parents passed and we cleaned out their house it was nowhere to be found.
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In the late 60's, I was a young teen and had a pet Red Tail Hawk. So used my pellet rifle- don't know what the make was- to shoot starlings for the hawk to eat to have a varied diet. Was walking along the road with a couple birds and the gun slung over my shoulder when a police car pulled along side and ordered my to get in. Took me to the station, took my gun, showed me a cell that he threatened to throw me in, then made me walk home. Learned alot that day!
Crosman 760. We shot bbs, pellets, strike anywhere matches and whatever else would could fit in that thing. Mannn we had so much fun that gun lasted a very long time!! Thanks for helping me to retrieve the memories!!
I think the first pellet i ever fired was in my neighbor's 760. Up to that time i'd fired many thoudands of bb's but never had a pellet rifle. When i shot pellets and saw how accurate they were that hooked me on shooting.

When i was a kid my job was to keep pests out of our many gardens. My dad bought me a Daisy 1894, no doubt because i loved the western tv shows, and even with that vastly underpowered rifle, i killed many rabbits ,possums, and the odd gtoundhog. I had to hide, and get close, and get the right angle to shoot through an eye normally. With a bb gun, whew! I had a lot better eyes then, all open sights. I never got a scope for a lot of years later.

It!!s funny to think now, how a kid could figure drop and hold over, things of ballistics. I used to set in the hay field and cut wildflpwers off their stems with a crummy old, neglected Red Ryder bb gun that no doubt had a a 4-5 # trigger.

Funny stuff, those days.