Air Arms would like to know - Do you remember your first air rifle?

I started out with a Red Ryder at around 5 . Then a crossman 2100 at 11-12 years old , then a .177 FWB 124D at 16 then a .25 cal Beeman Kodiak in my early 20s then a Mrod after they came out and a Prod shortly after then went off the deep end with PCP'S and 2 Weihrauch springers . Grew up hunting at a young age and always loved airguns and PBs and shooting with my brother and family members.
Crosman 760 for me... a pack of marauding dogs set the "I'll fix them" mode and went down and bought a 760 for the grand price of $21 at Fed Mart, if you remember those...circa 1975. As kids, my brothers and I were not allowed bb guns because we were kind of wild so the only shooting I got was the very small number of times my Dad took us out to the country and brought the single shot 22 or when I went over to a school buddies and shot his 1894 Spittn Image. So... while in the AF, in Phx, that 760 started my airgun journey. It was SUCH a POS that a while later I bought a Benji 147 pistol and THAT was so good, I bought a 342 rifle... which I thoroughly enjoyed. Of course , the Crosman ammo of that era was the absolute worst... THEN, about 1978, a buddy introduced me to the Beeman catalogue and it's been quite a fun ride since. While still in Phx, airguns were legal to shoot in your yard so I shot a LOT. I'm absolutely certain a half a million rounds were let loose in our yard and neighbors were fine with it as we had block fences.
Fun times!!
I think the first pellet i ever fired was in my neighbor's 760. Up to that time i'd fired many thoudands of bb's but never had a pellet rifle. When i shot pellets and saw how accurate they were that hooked me on shooting.

When i was a kid my job was to keep pests out of our many gardens. My dad bought me a Daisy 1894, no doubt because i loved the western tv shows, and even with that vastly underpowered rifle, i killed many rabbits ,possums, and the odd gtoundhog. I had to hide, and get close, and get the right angle to shoot through an eye normally. With a bb gun, whew! I had a lot better eyes then, all open sights. I never got a scope for a lot of years later.

It!!s funny to think now, how a kid could figure drop and hold over, things of ballistics. I used to set in the hay field and cut wildflpwers off their stems with a crummy old, neglected Red Ryder bb gun that no doubt had a a 4-5 # trigger.

Funny stuff, those days.

I got my first cottontail with a Daisy Quicksilver single pump. Maybe 300 fps and 1 foot pound of energy? I would not recommend it, but it got the job done that day.
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7th birthday
A Diana 23 was my 1st airgun I bought it in Dunnoon Scotland along with
a GAT pistol. A few years later, in 1974 the Navy shipped our family home to the US, and I was able to buy a Crosman 760. It is funny as a collector I have many airguns but not my childhood I have many airguns but no 760 or 23.
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A Diana 23 was my 1st airgun I bought it in Dunnoon Scotland along with
a GAT pistol. A few years later, in 1974 the Navy shipped our family home to the US, and I was able to buy a Crosman 760. It is funny as a collector I have many airguns but not my childhood I have many airguns but no 760 or 23.
after reading this i just had to shoot my Diana 23 i had bought at an Air gun show last year ., Just an impulse buy as i was leaving , Fantastic little gun and accurate also . shot a 5 shot group 3 pm 3/1/2025 pure fun .
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