N/A air gauge accuracy

I find that all of mine with the exception of one align fairly closely, within say 3% of each other. So that's the fill gauge on my compressor, a DIN fill adaptor, a CGA fill adaptor, an S410, Sidewinder, Huben K1, Jet 2 and three SCBA tanks. I have a fourth SCBA tank that reads high, and it actually had a tag on it indicating the same when I bought it. That one's off by about 400 psi or around 10%.

There have been a few others that I no longer have, but I remember those matching up pretty closely as well.
All three of my RAW HM1000x gauges read 50 bar above what is correct. My motorized pump is correct - thankfully :).
Since an inexpensive gauge fitting the gun well is unavailable - I just go along ..... and assume a 50 bar adjustment - down.
At least they consistently give the same high reading ............... :whistle:

50/250 = 10% off :unsure:
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All three of my RAW HM1000x gauges read 50 bar above what is correct. My motorized pump is correct - thankfully :).
Since an inexpensive gauge fitting the gun well in unavailable - I just go along ..... and assume a 50 bar adjustment - down.
At least they consistently give the same high reading ............... :whistle:
Yep mine too
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You guys are pretty trustworthy ! I guess I am too.

With normal "BAR", reading gauges, it's a VERY coarse read. That is, YOU CAN'T TELL, how close one gauge is to another !
Unless you have a big 3"+ dia. gauge with single digit hash marks or digital gauges, you are just guessing about the % difference, gauge to gauge.

The 2-1/2" gauge on my fill tank is "supposed to be" within 3% according to the guys at Top Gun Arms. But again, being that 1 bar equals 14.5 psi...those little psi values will add up pretty fast, when you CAN'T see 1 bar on 99% of the analog gauges that we get on our guns !

All this reminds me that a couple of years ago, I was going to build a test manifold, using a certified pressure gauge as the telltale. I never did.

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just how accurate are the air gauges on PCP guns ? within 10 percent ? 3 percent ? 15 percent ? are there gauges that are within one percent that will fit ?
Keller or Sekhmet are within that 1%. I own two Sekhmets, but wish I had bought the FX Kellers instead. Quality control on the Sekhmet lacks even with the gen 2.
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Mubhaur, does the "Sekhmet" fit the RAW w/o the need to cut the stock?
Even if yes, that's $100 for the pressure gauge .....

Do you think the other gauge (feedback) data helps in your process?

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Mubhaur, does the "Sekhmet" fit the RAW w/o the need to cut the stock?
Even if yes, that's $100 for the pressure gauge .....

Do you think the other gauge (feedback) data helps in your process?

They also make 25mm gauge. I hope it should be installed on RAW
just how accurate are the air gauges on PCP guns ? within 10 percent ? 3 percent ? 15 percent ? are there gauges that are within one percent that will fit ?
Does not matter. The numbers and hash marks are so small I can't read them. I just adjust until I get the results I a looking for and then use a paint pen to put a mark on the gauge.

I have said this before, but I really wish someone would make a bluetooth transponder to replce the gauges and let me monitor pressures on my iPad.
Hey Toothie,
What does ................ or doesn't it do?
For starters, the 2 gauges I received the displays didn't match. One was white and one was blueish. I have a King so i use 2 gauges. The one that was blueish also wasn't sitting level in the display window. I did receive a replacement, but it still didn't match the white display. It was sitting level so I just accepted it. Just recently the whiter of the 2 is acting up not keeping the settings. For example, I have it set for regulator, after it powers off, it defaults back to the pro settings.These things are just plain buggy.
All three of my RAW HM1000x gauges read 50 bar above what is correct. My motorized pump is correct - thankfully :).
Since an inexpensive gauge fitting the gun well is unavailable - I just go along ..... and assume a 50 bar adjustment - down.
At least they consistently give the same high reading ............... :whistle:

50/250 = 10% off :unsure:

50/250 = 20% off

That's a lot.