I can't open that link it says I don't have access. I am interested to see if they give a caliber size for the various "all other species".And here are the regulations for hunting coyotes in MA from the Mass.gov website.
Coyote hunting regulations
Before you go hunting for coyote, be sure you know the rules. This page contains regulations for hunting coyote in Massachusetts.www.mass.gov
NEW – The use of air/pellet guns are prohibited for the purposes of taking/ harvesting deer, bear, turkey, crow, and migratory game birds. Air/pellet guns are also prohibited for the purposes of taking/harvesting ANY species on WMAs stocked with pheasant or quail DURING the pheasant/quail season. (For a list of pheasant and quail stocked WMAs, please see 321 CMR 3.01(1)). Air/pellet guns may be used for all other species during their respective legal open seasons.
Page 22 third bullet down on the left.
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