Washington is basically 2 states. West of the Cascades is Seattleland, populated with mostly ultra-liberal, anti-gun nut cases. East of the Cascades is, well, mostly desert, populated with mostly ultra-conservative pro-gun nut cases. All the population is in Seattleland. Seattle has taxes on taxes to fund the regulation and enforcement of taxes. They can't tax guns out of existence, so they taxed ammo out of existence. They wrote the regulations for the WDFW such that it requires a Phd to hold any positions of power within the WDFW. How many avid hunters do you know with Phds? I know, they're out there, but they're a minority within a minority. This means that mostly urban, liberal, anti-gun/anti-hunting staffers run the WDFW and the WA state government. There are exceptions, such as the gentleman I spoke with today, but I think he's the exception, not the rule. On the political spectrum, I land somewhere in the middle, more of a pragmatist. If you were to break the two regions into stereotypes this photo would capture the sentiment pretty well:
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