Air gun range and shooting matches Mooresville or Statesville NC area

Hello me and my son are going to setup a FT course on my property and was wondering if there is anyone around the area that would be interested in some friendly fun shooting matches. If so just let us know once we get it all setup we would enjoy some friendly competition. We have just got in to this great sport and shoot at a couple different places now but they are a drive to get to most of them and we will still be going to them we just want to have something close to be able to shoot without the drive and hone our skills. So if your close to the area and dontdohave enough room to shoot at your house hit me up and I will give you the address.
Hi josparky,
​I'm just down the road in Lexington NC. I'm working on my second year as a field target shooter and loving it. I'd certainly be interested in coming up to shoot with you and your son some time. I agree with your statement about FT being a great sport. It is a lot of fun and sure you'd agree with me and most everyone else about it being addictive too. I just can't seem to get enough. I think you guys are doing it right by setting up a nice home range on your own property. Shooting reactive type targets at different distances is in my opinion the best way to enjoy your time shooting/training. I have an area in my back yard where I can shoot out to 75 to 80 yards but have only been punching paper. I have a portable target box filled with rubber mulch. With homes on both sides I've been a little reluctant to set out a metal target for fear of a ricochet.

​Raymond Hawkins and a member of THAGC.

Great guys I am getting a better response than I really thought I would. I may just throw up a website so we can hold some local matches around here. I will not schedule anything on the same dates as THAGC. Because I plan on going to most of the ones they have also but it is a good drive and that's why we are setting this up here. If we get enough intresin we will start holding some matches here. I do not want it to be on any dates as others have because they have been great friends to me and my son and helped us a lot. I won't to work with the other clubs to help grow this sport and we have a lot to learn still. Ok about the targets we have 28 of them come in today so we will start getting them up as we have time and we can get started shooting. Thank you all for your intreint. I will keep you updated. We look forward to shooting with you all.
Great guys here is another update. I have all the clamps and enough cinder blocks to get all the targets setup with. Just need to get all the lanes cleared off and get the targets setup. Then we will need to get some clipboards so we can keep score. I can print off the score cards here. We are getting closer. If anyone wants to come and help we can get a work day together and it would all get done faster. If not I just have to work on it as I get time but it is coming together. Glad to see a few Interested from here. More updates coming.
Finally got a little time to work on some lanes here is the start of three of them. What do you guys think. Still a lot to do.
Ok guys a friend from THAGC Miguel came up last Thursday and we got all the lanes cleared off . All I have to do is get the targets set up and we will be ready to go shooting. I am in the process of getting a club started around this area so if your interested in a club around here let me know. Also I am trying to come up with a name for the club so if you have any thoughts on that by all means post them.
