Umarex Air leak? Gauntlet 2


Jan 22, 2022
Afternoon everyone,

I just came in from hand pumping my Gauntlet 2 in .25. I have a feeling it has an air leak but maybe it’s more or less normal and maybe I’m doing something wrong. About a week or so ago it was pumped up to about 3000 psi. It is supposed to be cocked and locked to firing position before filling. After filling I fired one round and propped it up in the corner until yesterday. It hadn’t leaked down completely but it was close, maybe 200 psi. I hand pumped it back to 2000 last night and left it cocked and locked, disconnected the pump and called it a day. This morning, with air temp 5-10 degrees warmer, it had lost about 400 psi. I brought it back to 2000 and stopped. Thats a lot of work! I’ll check again this afternoon. Could it be leaking down because it’s cocked or is there more likely simply a leak that needs attention? I can at this point just fill it and shoot but I usually keep at least one filled at all times. I have others but it bugs me when there’s a known problem on pretty much anything. I haven’t had this rifle very long so I haven’t figured out what is normal for this one. What do you think? Thanks.

Rick H.
It shouldn't leak any air, ever. I have G2 25 and 30 and they hold air indefinitely.

Not an expert here, but if you just got the gun and it was empty and you had to fill it from empty with a hand pump, maybe something didn't seal fully.

Do you have access to a HPA pump? I would probably degas the gun and try to fill it again. Repeat the process, but preferably with a quicker fill source. Once you have a good seal and it remains under pressure (because you're always going to keep some pressure in there), shouldn't be an issue going forward.
How much have you shot it? The reason I ask is as stated above, it needs to seal and maybe some of the seals haven't seated yet. Have you tried pumping it up and doing some shooting?

I've got a couple of Gauntlet 2's, 22 and 30 cal, and neither has had leak issues. I did shoot them a bit after their first fill and maybe this allowed the seals to seat.
I’ve only put maybe 20 shots through it but checking again today something is leaking. I’ll pump it back up to around 2500 and see how many shots I can get and maybe get something to fully seal.

Rick H.

I know it's going to take more time and energy but instead of only taking it up to 2500 PSI take it all the way to max. fill pressure. This will put the max. load on seals and cause them to expand and fill gaps and hopefully solve your leak.
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This got weird and interesting all at the same time. I pumped it up to 3100 psi according to the pressure gauge on the pump but the gauge on the gun never showed above about 400 psi. So off I go to my friendly local repair shop. He hooked it up to his compressor and pumped up to 3000 psi and this time both gauges read identical pressure at all times. Still haven’t figured that one out. It took a couple days but he found two very tiny leaks and two bad O rings. Those were replaced and some rough edges that probably damaged the O rings got buffed out. Now it has held steady at 4100 psi for two days. He also noticed the barrel installation was not perfect so that got done properly as well. Going to be wet and cold all day tomorrow so I’ll just keep an eye on psi for now. He also put it on the chrony and got 911 fps and 61 fpe. The bill for all this was $110 but it was money well spent. His work always is in my experience. I wasn’t expecting this kind of a problem and hadn’t had it before but I’m also wondering now, where are Gauntlets made? This one’s a bit sloppy while my other Gauntlet has been trouble free since I got it. Go figure. Thanks for the many recommendations, much appreciated.

Rick H.
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As of this evening it’s still holding the same pressure, no indication of leaks at all. I haven’t yet figured out why the handpump gauge and the tank gauge weren’t reading the same and the repair shop didn’t know either. I’ll shoot it in the next day or so and see what happens. I suspected this was a Chinese gun and I’ve noticed over the years that while they are very capable of making quality products, sometimes they just don’t.

Rick H.
Just for the record this rifle appears to be in good condition now. I let it sit for a week until this morning and it showed no pressure loss at all. I put about 20 rounds through it and it was shooting a bit high and right but after 5 or 6 shots it was putting one hole groups in the middle. When I was done shooting it showed a slight drop in pressure but not much. It’s looking good so I probably won’t update further though I haven’t tried to see if my hand pump will read the same pressure as the gauge on the rifle.
Rick H.
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Check that you don't have the hammer spring screwed in too far, that's easy. Next you have to check that the trigger group is properly screwed in. That's a bit harder.

(I believe there is a note along those lines for someone else's post. ).
Thank you I was adjusting hammer spring the weekend before so I'll check it first