Air leaking from the barrel

Hi I am new to pcp airguns and have a fx maverick , while attempting to adjust the regulators I removed the bottle and and bled the system of air , while attempting to repressurize the gun air leaks out of the barrel , the valve is obviously not closing, I inspected the valve and valve seat there appears to be no damage , I also accidentally fired the gun with no air which know you are not supposed to do , I cocked the gun to take pressure of that valve it still leaks , any help is appreciated
As an FYI, I did re-read the manual and it does specifically say, not to adjust the trigger without air, so I was WRONG in that, but it doesn't say it'll void the warranty. I do remember seeing somewhere NOT to fire the gun with the cocking handle back, I went through the manual 3x and didn't see that, I know for a fact THAT will score the daylights out of the hammer and break the housing internally, pictures available upon request. Not because I did that but because a previous owner of my project gun did. FX is pretty forgiving on people messing with their guns and asking for parts.
Hi hogkiller , what do you mean by break the housing internally ? , I still haven't managed to stop the air leaking put of the barrel
Not a clue can you give me a quote or context, I looked back over the posts and didn't see a reference to that. Basically It's the top most o-ring, closest to the threads that is bad, that is the barrel leak. I use ground down surgical clamps/hemostat to get in there and remove them, I use reverse tweezers to spread the new one open enough to get the on. I do the first one then roll the second one over it. You'll need some brass picks. It's really not too hard, with practice. That little tiny sucker inside the housing, is fun, I use a very small sewing needle to jab it to pull it out. Make SURE you get the right o-rings, it seems that FX has changed A20 O-ring 4x1,5 NBR70 to NBR90. Just order them from the O-Ring Store, you'll have enough for a life time or more guns. Be careful the 90's are HARD, it's very easy to break them.